I come bearing two TOKIO stuff. Both of which are Twin Towers, oops. 8(
Title: To Woo the Idiot
a_m_a_t_u_sPairing: Mabo/Nagase
Rating: G
Disclaimer: TOKIO isn't mine I'm not associated with them blah blah blah. Fictional. And stuff.
Summary: How do you tell a dumbass you like him? Crack-y.
It's the turn of 2000 and so it starts nice and simple. )
Title: Tomaranai
a_m_a_t_u_sPairing: Mabo/Nagase
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: TOKIO isn't mine I'm not associated with them blah blah blah. Fictional. And stuff.
Summary: Mabo sings a solo in the middle of plowing Nagase's ass. No, really. Very short!
"Non-stop sex on the beach..." )