Title: Welcome to Johnny’s Jimusho
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: various johnny's cameos, groups, implied stuff all around, but mostly some other stuff here and there.
Warning: dark surrealist humour, horror, satire, a kind of humble, mildly biased radio show announcer
Summary: The walls of Johnny’s Jimusho are thick and full of beautiful, sinister, sweet, and sepulchral secrets, but to us idols, it’s simply local news radio. So sit back, lock your dressing room door, and whisper your favourite protective mantra because you are now listening to WTJJ Radio.
Based loosely on the narrative and premise used in the Welcome to Night Vale podcast.
You’re only as talented as your worst perm... and fame only lasts as long as you’ve kept it away from moisture.
Welcome to Johnny’s Jimusho.