Title: Dirty Little Secret
Pairing: ShoxOhno, mentioned OkadaxOhno (friendship), Aimiya (if you squint hard)
Genre: fluff
Rating: NC-17 (It’s been long since I wrote one ><)
Words count: 2100-ish
Warning: Unbeta’d. Sorry for grammatical errors.
Summary: It’s all Aiba’s idea that Arashi should celebrate Nino’s birthday at his place. Sho and Ohno were in charge at making the cake (while waiting for Jun to finish his filming and Aiba who went to practice baseball with Nino). Well, the rest… you know what would happen XD
A/N: It’s been long, really long, and somehow I missed writing a smutty fic. Also, blame Shukudai-kun now that I’m so craving for Yama love (because the two of them were just so cute at that time ><). I hope you enjoy this fic.
Ohno didn’t notice the annoyed look on Sho’s face had been there for more than half an hour now. He’s too occupied with his new camera, checking out the freshly taken photographs yesterday.