One thousand and then some: Stage - Act I: One thousand and one touches

May 02, 2013 02:09

Pairing: KinKi Kids
Other characters: SDK crew, 4U, MA, Nagase Tomoya, Imai Tsubasa… and others
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Don’t own them, just love them. ^^
Setting: canon
Warning: Just a tad of angst, but nothing much, other than that it’s basically smutty

Notes: First of I want to thank everybody for the wonderful feedback I received for “Call boy”. The second chapter is in the work, as well as the header. In the meantime, since this is already done I want to share this one first. I hope you will like it too. :D

Intro: Tsuyoshi comes to visit the 1000th performance of Endless SHOCK. Just what will happen once the curtain closes? A surprise is presented, a secret is revealed and a promise is made. However, a long-written story takes a very unexpected turn that might prove rather difficult to handle.

( No, only today... )

x: romance, x: drama, l: multi-chapter, x: angst, r: nc-17, c: domoto tsuyoshi, c: domoto koichi

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