Worth it

Feb 05, 2013 23:55

Pairing: KinKi Kids
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Don't own them, just love them. ^^
Warnings: Lots of bacteria flying around. XD
One-shot (more of a drabble, really)

Notes: I'm sorry that this is the only update I can manage. I'm lying sick in bed, trying to recover. This little scene came to my mind and it's just what I could manage to type. I'll be working on everything else as soon as I am fully recovered. For now, I hope you will like this. :D

Intro: Koichi's sick. Really sick. And Tsuyoshi is being a good nurse for his bitchy and overly worried partner. <3


x: fluff, x: humor, c: domoto tsuyoshi, c: domoto koichi, l: drabble, r: g

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