Genre: AU (somewhat, 8UPPERS and more)
Fandom: 関ジャニ∞
Rating: PG (for language)
Pairing(s): Yasuba, RyOhkura (very mild, so squint)
Summary: When pink-framed Yasu makes a run for to save his life, he steps into a whole new world of crazy! Just who are these shady people with mysterious powers and what does the man in the leather jacket want with him? Furthermore, who is this intriguing man with a scar running down his neck..
A/N: this MC fic has pretty much been written out and is in beta process by
risakochan :3 mainly a general fic so don't expect -too- much from the pairings XD; it might be a little confusing at first, but bear with me and everything will make sense 8D; enjoy!
chapters: 1