Title: The Odyssey of Ohno Satoshi
Pairing: Juntoshi, also starring Sho, Aiba, Nino
ryo_pyonGenre: pirate/fantasy-AU, romance, humour, bit angst/suspense
Raiting: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these guys, but the plot/story is mine :D
Summary: Ohno would have never become part of the crew of this unlucky ship, had he known the rumours about this pretty Captain Matsumoto and his unfaithful crew, including the mascot Aiba, always-seasick navigator Nino, arrogant first officer Sho and nerve-wracking dog Cucumber. However, he does, and once he steps on this ship, he sails into adventures, dramatic incidents and unbelievable stories, including a giant octopus, a moving island and Atlantis.
Note: Written for
riidaaisbest for
arashi_exchange. I had a blast writing this and hope you'll have a great time reading it <3 A big thank you goes to my beta of course :D