Aug 03, 2010 03:39
Rules for Artists:
1. You're willing to create at least one piece of art (drawings/graphics/mixes/fanvids/etc.) for one of the 2010 Johnny's Big Bang stories.
2. Art can be of any type: original illustration, cover art, photo manip., whatever comes to your mind.
3. You must post your art in your own journal or site, and then it will be added to the master list of links for the story. Art must be posted unlocked.
4. You cannot post your art before the assigned posting date.
To sign up please comment here with the following information:
1. Name/LJ username:
2. Email Address:
3. Characters/Pairings willing to do:
4. Characters/Pairings not willing to do:
5. Format (e.g. fanart, fanmix, fanvid):
Thank your for your participation!