Trapped Part 6

May 03, 2010 03:30

Title: Trapped -Part 6
Author: jensucks
Fandom: Supernatural
Subject/Paring: Dean, Ellen, Sam, Jo/Dean
Rating: FRT for possible language and adult situations (you know how my fics get)
Disclaimer: Not affiliated, don't own, blah blah blah. Just me getting me emo-ness muses out in the open :)
Spoilers: None :D
Summary: Ellen meets a startling revelation regarding Jo and her situation while the boys watch helplessly

The Winchester brother’s had spent what felt like days locked in the back room of Ellen’s cabin-o-pain before she returned and cut them loose, offering them pizza and Beer as a cheap bribe. As they ate, Sam and Dean remained silent, neither of them wanting to ask Ellen what had become of the girl she had been holding captive both of them knowing the answer already.

“I know where she is.” Ellen spoke suddenly, breaking the silence in the room.

Dean perks up immediately as he dropped the pizza slice he held in his hands and brushed them together to get rid of any crumbs. “So why are we still sitting here?” he asked as he rose to his feet. “You can tell us what we are dealing with on the way; we will come up with a plan and get her out of there.”

Ellen nodded and rose quickly. “Works for me.” She replied
Sam stood as well and shook his head, holding his arms up to stop them both. “Sure let’s do that because I liked being held captive so much I want to do it again.” his words were dripping with sarcasm, and he let them sink in for a few moments, looking between Ellen and Dean with disapproval in his features. “We need to stop, think this through and come up with something better than charging in guns blazing otherwise we are going to wind up captured right along with Jo, if not worse.” He quickly glanced between Dean and Ellen again before continuing “You both know I’m right.”

Dean relaxed slightly and sank back into his chair Sam was right if they wanted to save her they had to think this through. Guy had to be crafty to pick up Jo and keep her held for this long, brute force was not going to be helpful for them here. Jo’s smiling face came into his mind again, and his thoughts turned from torture and heroism to her. His heart began to beat a little faster as he remembered how they had first met, how she had handled herself and her gun like a pro and completely pwned him in the process. He remembered his second trip to the roadhouse where Jo put on that god awful hair band song, and for some reason got it stuck in his head for weeks later. He inhaled sharply as the thought sprang into his head that if they didn’t work all this out, those memories would be all he had of her. The mere thought of that plus a few other short meet-ups being all he ever had with Jo made his quick beating heart feel like someone had stuck a knife in it and was twisting away carelessly. He swallowed and turned his attention back to Ellen and Sam, hoping that they could come up with some kind of plan soon so he could once again have control over his own brain and body functions.

He was about to ask Sam if he had any brilliant ideas when he noticed a look he never thought he would see Ellen make. Her eyes were wide and frightened, her mouth drooped open and Dean barely made it to her side before her legs wobbled out beneath her. Dean got her back sitting in her chair, and found himself wondering if the captive got a lucky swipe in earlier, if everything that had happened recently had finally settled in, and if so, had they had just lost Ellen completely?

“Ellen.” Dean said in a stern voice, hands on her shoulders he shook her lightly in an attempt to get her to snap out of whatever trance she seemed to be stuck in -to no avail. Dean looked around and noted Sam was missing, but before he could call out to his brother, Sam re-appeared with a glass of water which he brought over to Ellen, who made no move to drink.

“Ellen.” Dean repeated the woman’s name a little louder and sterner now. “Ellen what’s wrong? Snap out of it!” he shook her again, a little harder this time and a tear rolled down her cheek.

“What is it?” Sam asked softly as he knelt beside the woman and gently put a hand on her arm. “We can do this Ellen, if it’s too much, Dean and I can handle it....”

“Jo...” Ellen managed to choke out through her new found sobs tears streaked down her cheeks now.

“We’ll get her back.” Dean said a hand on her back now in an attempt to reassure her. “We will bring her home safe...”

Ellen shook her head and inhaled sharply as more tears fell. “Something’s ...wrong...” she said weakly as she got control of the sobs. The boys both regarded her oddly, neither one of them understand what she meant, or why all of a sudden she had lost her determination, other than if the whole thing had finally just settled in all at once but before either of them could question her, she inhaled again and continued. “I just...I can feel it, something is wrong Jo is.....” she trailed off and bit her lip to keep another round of sobs at bay. “I think she’s dead...” she finished before succumbing to another round of sobs.

Dean and Sam exchanged a look of confusion and panic before Dean nodded silently to his brother and knelt down next to Ellen. He lifted her into his arms and carried her over to a small bed in the corner of the room and laid her down gently as she continued to blubber on about Jo, Dean only able to understand bits and pieces of it.

Once he was sure she was at least slightly settled, Dean rose and looked back at Sam as he walked back over to his brother and grabbed his arm, pulling him aside so Ellen couldn’t hear them. “Any ideas?” he asked, his voice a hushed whisper.

Sam had his thinking face on, which usually meant he had some kind of idea and that comforted Dean greatly. After a few minutes of watching Sam bite his lip and glance back at Ellen nervously, Sam finally spoke. “Sometimes, when a bond between two people is strong enough they say that you can just tell when the other is hurt or...” he glanced back at Ellen and swallowed, unable to finish his sentence.

Dean frowned and looked from Sam to Ellen and back to his brother once more. “I thought that was just like...a creepy twin thing?” He asked, not sure if he understood what Sam was getting at.

Sam shook his head “Nah man it can happen to anyone, it’s even been reported between pet owners and their pets.”

“So people can tell when Fluffy is chocking on a bone from across town?” Dean scoffed

Sam inhaled sharply and shook his head again. “No Dean you’re...” he trailed off and took another breath before continuing. “Just think about it all right? Ellen raised Jo on her own after losing Bill, watched over her kept her safe did all she could to keep her out of the life that took her husband from her. After all they have been through together, how can you say they are not connected on a deeper level?”

“So if I was to go in the other room and get stabbed, you’d jump up in here and just ‘know’ I was hurt?” Dean asked “We’ve been through a lot together too Sammy, you saying we have the weird ‘connection’ too?”

Sam shrugged “I don’t know...maybe.”

It was Dean’s turn to inhale sharply and nod as he glanced back at Ellen lying broken and sobbing on the bed. “So what does this mean?” he asked, eyes still fixed on Ellen’s crumpled form “That Jo’s dead and now we can pretty much count Ellen out on any strategy to put this asshole in the ground for good?” He looked back at Sam, eyes angry searching his brother’s eyes for an answer he knew Sam didn’t have. He didn’t want to believe in any of this, that Jo was gone for good, that Ellen would be a basket case forever. Part of him was still hoping that this was some crazy dream, that Jo was alive safe and well at the Roadhouse under her non-mentally broken down mother’s thumb, that he would wake up in some dingy roadside hotel and Sam would laugh at him for having such a stupid dream.

Yeah any minute now he was going to wake up....any minute....

sam, dean, jo/dean, fan-fiction, ellen, supernatural, jo, trapped

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