Apr 27, 2006 14:50
Rules: Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me." I will respond by asking you five questions of a very intimate and creepily personal nature. Or not so creepy/personal. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. Also, if you have five questions for me put them here and I'll get to them.
1) If someone was to have sex with an exact clone of himself, is it masturbation or incest?
It would be disturbing....but I would guess masturbation????
2) Do you think mankind could live in a Utopian society?
No, you can't have good without bad. If everything was pleaset then you would have nothing to judge it on.
3) Why are you obsessed with little people and giraffes?
I'm not obsessed with giraffes.....I just want to see a midget riding a giraffe, that would rock! I don't know why I love midgets so much...I think because they are travel size.
4) A drug dealer kills another drug dealer in the head for trying to sell drugs to children. A business man wipes out a small village by approving a certain paper that causes an area of rainforest to be torn down. Who is the eviler man and why?
I'm not their judge, it's not for me to say if someone is "evil". I think both examples are pretty fucked up and I don't approve or agree.
5) If you were given three wishes, what would they be?
This is a hard one. First I would probably wish for all my friends and family to be happy and healthy. Hmmm...ditto for me and three would have to be more wishes!!!! (there is to many things to wish for!)