(no subject)

May 25, 2010 10:17

These are two of Roxi's sisters. The little girl in the left picture is the only one that resembles Roxi at all. The rest of them look like the picture on the right, for the most part. The only big difference between the other pups is the shape of their ears.


Roxi's doing well after surgery. Her belly is a bit swollen by the incision. I've been cleaning the incision at least once a day to make sure it doesn't get infected. She doesn't seem to be in pain when I touch the area and lets me hold a warm rag over it for about five minutes before she gets distracted. She's not interested in biting at her sutures, so far. My fingers are crossed that it stays this way. The only problem, so far, is her unwillingness to be still. It's been a challenge keeping her still. And, it's kind of heart breaking to tell her she can't run around outside. She loves running around outside. Soon enough, we'll be back at the park where she can run with all the other dogs, chase sticks and tennis balls, and use up all that stored energy. I can't wait! :)

I've been kind of distracted with all of Roxi's happenings, so I've neglected my diet. I'm getting back on track, slowly but surely. Today I'm going to the gym to take a tour and pay for my membership. Tomorrow I will be in a spin class! I'm really excited to get back in shape. It's hard to find motivation, but I'm determined.
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