Sep 27, 2011 21:08
cooking venison is fucking hard.
i mean, you'd think "its a meat, just throw it on some fire and watch that shit burn!'. but no, its gotta be complicated. like, what does one eat with something gamey? po-tay-toes? some kinda greenery??
i made mike go out and get other food stuffs to eat with it, but i don't think even he knows what to do with this shit.
wish i had some wine to go with this. damn....
in doubt, i would normally throw some cheese on something and wing it. but i guess since i'm feeding someone else, what may be right for me won't be right for him.
he might throw up.
i hope we don't get some kinda tape worm or rabis from this damn deer meat.
mmmmm.... fuck, i'm hungry.
Jen "turning into Hannibal Lecter" Simms