Jul 19, 2009 22:59
Along the way to becoming a professional one must undergo various training (usually these days anyway) and that generally seems to include school, which as we all know: means EXAMS.
Today I jumped a mother of a hurdle: a 200 multiple choice question hurdle.
I would like to think that I did well, at least passed said exam...
My anxiety about the whole thing had me panicking AFTER more than I was already (as if it wasn't enough to be worried about writing the test, I then had to be worried about it getting marked).
The good news is there is a rewrite date for those who failed.
Will I be there? I have NO idea.
But over the course of the day, as much as I am somewhat worried about the whole thing... I'm not.
WHy? well, cuz I know that it'll be OK one way or the other...
Cuz let's face it, there is NO WAY I am putting myself through that trauma again! If I have to rewrite it'll be with ease and pinache.(sp?)
Soon Grasshoppers, Very soon one way or another your insurance coverage will enable you to visit me so that you can feel better, and I can line my pocket with green.
Have a lovely night