Sunday, July 16th and Monday, July 17th
Yesterday and today, we took on two new crew members: Webster and Tanya.
Tanya came on board Monday. She did her two weeks in April, finished up her college, and is now back for an undetermined period of the summer.
Webster came aboard on Sunday. She is tall and slender, with long auburn hair, LONG, LONG legs, body language that screams self-confidence and a beautiful singing voice--deeper than Beth's, but just as clear and melodic. Her nick name comes from Otis, who named her for her word power.
Coming back from the showers on shore, I got a chance to get to know Webster a little. She did her two weeks last winter in Southern California, having never actually seen the brig before. After her time on the Lady, she went home to Colorado, sold her massage therapy practice, and flew out to rejoin the crew of the Lady Washington for five weeks before going to her new job in Antarctica.
"You're going to Antarctica?" I say.
"That's right," she replies.
"You're my new hero," says I.
Later, I complained to Webster about my back and asked her for a massage. She gave me the best massage I've had in about two decades. My back was so tight, I felt like I was getting stabbed in the spine with a heated knife. I was seriously thinking I'd not be able to work the next day, and she kept me going.
Monday evening, Friar borrowed my guitar in the evening, and they sang "Farewell Nova Scotia" together. I got goose bumps.
Later, Otis heard sea songs being sung, and came down to join in, and they sang "Barrett's Privateers." He too has a lovely voice. His is deep, and he sings in a very traditional tone. There are a couple of other lovely voices on the boat, but Otis, Beth and Webster are the ones that can silence a room or inspire everyone to sing.
We sang shanties until Tara and Matt declared that it was time for a dance party. They cranked up the ipod in the galley and we all crowded in and went nuts. I can't dance, but they rock! Matt has no self-consciousness at all. At one point, it was me, Tara, Matt, JB and Maia in that little galley all at one time. Then, I went to go brush my teeth. I wander back toward the galley, my toothbrush in my mouth, and I just stand there, checking out everyone's moves, and swaying just a little. Tara sees me, and says, "That's the sexiest toothbrushing I have ever seen!" Self-consciousness rushes back to me. I blush and giggle and duck back into the head.