the crew

Jul 08, 2006 22:47

On board the Lady Washington in Port Angeles, Washington.

When I came on
board, they had just come back from a three hour sail, and we immediately
had dinner. The food was excellent--curry, either vegi or with meat balls.
After dinner and "muster", we went around the room, introducing
ourselves and stating what our super
power would be, if we had one. I don't
remember everyone's superpowers, but I remember a couple. The crew was:

Captain John "JB" "John Boy" , 23 years old, with seven years
experience aboard. His superpower would be the ability to make himself fit
into tiny spaces.

First Mate Rob,
and has been first mate for some time. He's working on getting his
captain's license and sailing certificate. (to the right on the pic below)

Engineer and second mate Jeremiah, known as "'Miah", resident
giant, over six
feet tall, wide in shoulders and powerful, with wild, curly hair on his head and chops on
his cheeks. The engineer is responsible for everything modern on the ship,
like the diesel engine and generators. (to the left in the pic above)

Bosun Esther, Much
more about her later, but to start with, she is a petite blond
woman with piercing blue eyes, a danish or norwegian appearance to her, wearing
carharts, belt knife, tools, and impressive biceps.
She is quiet and serious, but sweet. The bosun (old english for "boat swain", meaning lover of boats) is in charge of all boat maintenance.

Engineer's mate: Crystal, also petite and blond, was wearing camo cargo pants
and a roxy tank top. Laughs easily and cares deeply.

Steward Beth, an elegant blond woman from Bellingham who sings in a celtic
band and takes very seriously her job of making sure that both crew and
guests are happy, safe and healthy. She's also working on learning the
fiddle entirely by ear. The day after she arrived, her contract was
cancelled, so she's serving in a volunteer capacity.

Gunner and education coordinator, "Otis" Downs. He's an irishman with the
gift of blarney. He introduced himself by saying, "I do all the flashy
jobs that don't really need doing, like firing the cannon and swinging out to the dock."
He constantly laughs and makes others laugh, and he has never forgotten a single line from any
movie that he enjoyed. He particularly enjoys period war movies, such as
Charge of the Light Brigade, and will often burst out with lines like, "He made a
MONKEY of you, sir!" It's one of those lines that gets funnier the more times you hear it, even if you have no idea what it means.

Cook Kari, also known as "Bags" or "Cookie" or "Sprite". Another
tiny woman, this time with brownish dreads, wearing a psychedelic t-shirt
and black baggy shorts. She's an excellent cook with awesome musical taste.
She was shanghaid away from the Queen of the West, when the Lady Washington was in
Camas. Her superpower would be to shapeshift. I remember because I had
already chosen the same one and refused to change. Both she and I have
dreams about shapeshifting. She would change into inanimate objects and hide. I would specialize in animals. (this pic doesn't do her justice at all, but it does show her in her natural habitat--the galley)

Purser Paul, AKA "Smee", which either refers to Mr. Smee from Peter Pan, or is short for Smeagol. He keeps track of finances from the store, donations and sail trips. He's from New York
State, tall and lanky, agile in a Gollum-esqe way. Very funny, but you have
to pay close attention to notice, because he keeps up a steady stream of
mumbled commentary. (standing in the pic below)

Storekeeper Matt, Miah's younger brother. His high school graduation
picture hangs in the kitchen. He's a clown, just like Otis and his older
brother. He does this funny dance that is embarassing to watch and always gets the laughs: "BUMP tsh baaaa-da! BUMP tsh baaaa-da! Take it to the house! take it to the house!" (seated in the pic above)

Unofficial Bosun's mate, Fred, AKA "Friar", a high school science teacher
from Idaha, and former monk, red hair, gone on top, red beard, loves to sing sea
shanties, and looks every bit the part of a tall ship sailor. Quiet but
friendly and supportive. He's the one that gave me a list of what to
bring two weeks ago, when I came for a visit.

Unofficial Steward's mate Rosie. Just graduated from high school in
Aberdeen, did her senior history paper on the Lady Washington and brought it
on board for the crew to study, which I did. She was hired to
be steward, and arrived to find that the boat already had a steward.

Sailor Tangen: big, bearded, friendly and helpful. Left three days later and I never got a photo. Goodbye Tangen. Thanks for the help with my lanyard on my belt knife.

That evening after dinner, Esther and Friar started caulking the quarter
deck with synthetic pitch. I got some pictures of the process, took a photo
of the sunset, and went to bed in the main hold, which I had to myself that
night. Being the new crewmember, who did not fit in the fo'c'sle, I got a
room to myself for the night, but had to carefully stow my stuff every day,
as it was the one place below decks that was open to the public, since it
doubled as the ship's gift store, dining area and galley. I was also responsible for raising and lowering the flags at beginning and end of day.

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