Oct 22, 2005 09:53
So, in case anyone is wondering, I am posting about the easy things first, and saving the more thoughtful subjects until later. This is a positive subject, without question.
A couple of days ago, Musa (pronounced MYOO-sa), who works next to me, was cruising the internet for good deals on kiteboarding equipment. She found an ad for two boards, three kites, one set of lines, two bars and two harnesses, all for $600. That's over $2000 worth of stuff. She wanted it, but couldn't afford to drop $600, so she asked me to go halvsies. This will give us both the chance to try the sport out and see whether we like it. I said yes.
I've been wanting to learn to kiteboard since June, when I was learning to sail on a 40 foot tartan out of Hood River. We were cruising along at about 5 to 8 knots, and we were surrounded by sailboarders and kiteboarders doing about 25. This one kiteboarder was coming straight at us from the side. I thought he was going to hit us. He flipped his bar over, the kite changed direction 180 degrees, and lifted him 20 feet into the air. I swear this guy was higher than our mast, and going straight up in the blink of an eye, and I said, "Dude! I gotta do that!" Until that moment, I had thought they were pretty and that it looked fun, but at that moment, I was hooked.
Every since last winter, I have been wanting to re-bond with the water. When I was young, I used to swim across the lake around the island. I learned to sail those little Sunfishes (precursors of sailboards), I went river kayaking. I learned to body surf in the ocean. Once, I went skimboarding. Never went surfing, though I always wanted to. When I was in Peace Corps, I went river rafting in Costa Rica once. Since then, I have barely even swam in pools. That part of my life, which was incredibly soothing to my soul, has been missing. Especially since I transitioned, I have not swum, because of sensitivity about the appearance of my body.
Last winter, I realized it had to change. That's why I
a) signed up for my sea kayaking trip in July (and a one-day trip in May)
b) sent in my resume to the Lady Washington, so I can learn to climb the rigging of a tall ship on the ocean,
and c) took sailing lessons over the summer.
I thought at the time that it was all sort of frivolous, but I really think these things have led to the incredible changes in my life since then.
Hood River is an incredible place to learn to sail. Wind conditions that would prompt boat skippers in other places to just stay home are the norm here. Hood River boat owners aren't happy unless there's 3-4 foot chop. Windsurfers can't even stand up until they've got 15 knots.
My Lady Washington trip will happen sometime next summer, if all goes well. I had planned to take a month long trip to Thailand, which would have used up all my vacation time, but now I am thinking that trip will be shortened to three weeks (only 14 days off work). I think I can do them both. And learn to kite board.
And be friends with Musa. That's the side benefit. Musa and I get along really well at work. This gives us a connection outside of work. To be clear, I do not see Musa in any kind of romantic way. Not interested, and I am sure she is not, either. But in a buddy-can-I-offer-you-a-beer way, I think she'd be a cool friend. She's stressed out right now, because she just bought a house that needs some work, so she is short on cash and discontent with her life. I am just the opposite. I just dumped my house, and so I am phat with cash and happy and free. Interesting, eh? Whatever happened to the American Dream? Must have started to break down when they cancelled Leave It To Beaver.