Supernatural 5.04|The End

Sep 30, 2009 22:07

HOLY MOLY! This episode was so amazing and epically EPIC!

Two Dean's ✓
Sammy/Lucifer ✓
Stoned Castiel ✓
Sad/dead Impala ✓

All of the above = ✓

I LOVED IT ALL! The checklist is complete! LOL

This whole episode was just AMAZING! Any word that has the same meaning as AMAZING, this episode was all of those! Eric Kripke & Co. just keep out doing themselves with these episode plot lines!

From the sad, sad beat up version to the Impala, to Sammy/Lucifer snapping future Dean's neck, it was all such a crazy, AMAZING (Yes, that word again ;D) ride!

Then the part with Dean telling Future Dean the only thing they would know between them. That 'they' liked wearing the pink satiny panties? HOLY CRAP! LMFAO! I was So not expecting that, but for some reason I see fics being written by the megawatt about those two concepts. This killed me, "They were pink and satiny, and you know what? We kinda liked it." HAHAHAHA! Amazing. Who would have thunk it?

And holy crap, how freaking smoking sexy were Jensen and Jared in this episode! DAMN BOYS! Jensen did such a phenomenal job playing both parts of Dean. We got to see the Dean we all love, and a new version of Dean who was quite different, had a deeper voice, but still as lovable if not more damaged and broken. And Jared, even though he had a small part in this episode, he did an amazing job as Lucifer! He pulled off the suave, evilness very well! These boys are so talented, I get even more amazed by them in each episode we get to see!

And I can't forget the Prophet Chuck! "Some free advice? You ever get back there, you hoard toilet paper. You understand me? HOARD IT! Hoard it like it's made of gold, cause it is!" Oh man. Just an awesome line!

AMAZING JOB BOYS! You totally rocked this episode!

I'm sure I probably left some amazing parts out, but even if I went through every since line and every single scene, t wouldn't matter, because just saying all I've said about the WHOLE EPISODE being fantastic, I think does it justice, since I don't think I could say it any better if I tried.

OH! And THE BOYS ARE BACK TOGETHER! Saving people, hunting things, the FAMILY BUSINESS!!! YAAAAY! ♥ My heart just exploded with glee at the end!

I have to put this picture again, it's just too freaking great not too! :)

Next week looks like so much fun! We get Abraham Lincoln, James Dean, Gandhi, Paris Hilton and I'm sure more we didn't even get to see in the trailer. I can't wait!

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type: review, tv-show: supernatural, season: 5

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