Online dating - Chapter 2

Jun 03, 2012 18:42

Emma and Gold are my font of inspiration so here´s Chapter 2:

Emma: Listen...i better go.
Mr. Gold: Why? It´s that horrible to have dinner with me?
Emma blushed again.
Emma: No. I didn´t say that! It´s just....
Mr. Gold: I´m the last person who you want to be with. I´m right?
Emma: Listen, let´s just have dinner, okay? And belive me Mr. Gold. I don´t hate you and i don´t think you are a horrible man. We just have different opinions. Not to mention, your ways of getting things done.
Mr. Gold: But the results are good.
Emma: That´s also true.

Ruby approached with the dinner.

Emma: But we haven´t order yet!
Ruby: Mr. Gold had everything prepared. Have a nice dinner.

Ruby smiled to Emma while she said "Have a nice dinner". Emma looked around and noticed everyone was looking at them.

Mr. Gold: Emma, i hope you like the dinner. I didn´t knew what to choose but i also didn´t knew my company would be so charming.
Emma: Mr. Gold, i thank you but please stop saying those things.
Mr. Gold: Why? I´m just telling the truth.
Emma: I´m not that especial.
Mr. Gold: Yes you are, Emma. More than you imagine.
Emma: Thank you.

They ate in silence like they were savoring not only the food but each other´s company too. Sometimes, Mr. Gold smiled to Emma and he couldn´t look way.

Emma: The dinner was wonderful, Mr. Gold. Thank you.
Mr. Gold: You don´t need to thank me, Emma.
Ruby: Do you want dessert? Coffee?
Mr: Gold: Two slices of cherry pie.
Ruby: Okay. I´ll be right over.

The two were silence again. Emma was playing with the napkin but Mr. Gold only looked at her.

Ruby: Here´s the cherry pie. I hope you like it.
Mr. Gold: Thanks, Ruby.
Emma: The pie is delicious.

Mr. Gold began to laugh and everyone looked at their table. They weren´t use to see Mr. Gold laugh.
Emma: What´s so funny? Emma asked, a little offended.
Mr. Gold: I´m sorry, Emma. But you have a little piece of the cherry in your face.

Mr. Gold didn´t wait for Emma to clean it. He use his finger to clean it up. Emma couldn´t help but smile. They finish the pie and Emma began to search in her purse.

Mr. Gold: Emma, i´ll pay.
Emma: No, Mr. Gold. You don´t have too.
Mr: Gold: But i want. Mr. Gold grabbed Emma´s wrist and she smiled again.

Emma: Okay. But only this time.
Mr. Gold: This time? You mean, we will have more nights like this?
Emma: You understood what i said.
Mr. Gold: Yes, i did. Shall we go?
Emma: Yes.

They left Granny´s and Emma went for her car. But before she could open the door, Mr. Gold grabbed her arm.

Mr. Gold: Emma, i will take you home.
Emma: You don´t need too.
Mr. Gold: Emma, i insist.

Emma knew he wouldn't gave up so, she didn´t said anything more.
They arrived at Mary Margaret´s home and Mr. Gold walked with Emma to the door.

Emma: Thank you, Mr. Gold. It was a wonderful night.
Mr. Gold: I´m glad you like it, Emma.
Emma: Well. Good night, Mr. Gold.
Mr. Gold: What? And not even a good night kiss?
Emma: You´re kidding, right?
Mr. Gold. No.

Emma stood still for a moment. Then, she approached him to give him a kiss on the cheek but before she could say or do anything, their lips joined.

emma, once upon a time, fan fic, gold

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