Business Time.

Apr 02, 2008 13:01

This is nearly verbatim from an email to a friend. But I figured why not share with the whole family?

YouTube is pathetically about %70 responsible for my sanity the last five weeks. Where else can you watch everything you never needed to see, plus pirated TV shows? Um... on YouTube. So here is my little shoutout before returning to the working world. I can't take credit for all of it, but hey, I did spend forever linking it all. Enjoy.

The Most Beautiful Girl
If You're Into It
Mutha Uckers
Inner City Pressure
Business Time

Powerthirst 2

George Washington (This is old and possibly recycled. But still worth it)
Two on the vine

Can't Tell Me Nothing
Motherfucker, sideways.

Everyone in the world, I think, has seen this by now. But it never stops being funny.

Who's this skanky chick banging my boy Anthony?
No reservations, bitch, maybe you should have some.

My other boy, Mike Rowe. On QVC. Same sexy voice, only now with more hair!
Lava lamp.

I don't know why this is funny. It just is. (The second one is better, if you're pressed for time.)
Gem Sweater
This Is How We Go

Candy Mountain
Yay Charlie

Also old. Also still worth it.
The EmoC.

Robert Downey goodness on Charlie Bartlett, but still not even the best part of the movie.
Some Things
are just better with age.

Possibly the best moment on The Soup, ever
This be it.

Hate the song, but the video is actually fairly impressive
Jenny is easily amused by cameos.

CSI Miami
Oh Horatio.

Oldie but definitely still goodie
Cinco De Mayo.

It's a Wonderful Lohan
Small bottles of meerkat blood

Everyone has seen this. But in case you live in a box, you're welcome

Yet another cameo for our reality show (Inside joke, nevermind)

Dude. He's totally worth saving. Especially around 4:10 sec.
Feel free to skip this one, if you don't have a soft spot for Andy Dick

Just Go already.

A little piece of home
Piano Bar.
Piano Bar.
Piano Bar.

A couple of decent YouTube Channels

Okay, I'm done. I think.
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