(no subject)

Aug 02, 2007 07:57

I feel like I just did one of these, but I checked and it's been only a month. Plus, I just feel like doing one. I write for real, one of these days.

current book:
Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince
and The Road

current music:
The CD that the ever-lovely Tessa sent me. It's amazing.

current shame-inducing guilty pleasure:
I really don't have one.

current colours:
Pink and grey.

current fetish:

current drink:
Nothin' but h20 this month. I will miss you Diet Coke.

current songs:
Anything by Cake and of course, my mix CD.

current movie:

current wish-list:
-A time portal

current needs:
-A nap
-A long weekend

current triumph(s):
Re-Started The Artist's Way today. Not sure why or how it's going to go, but it's on my list for this year. So.

current bane(s) of my existence:
My cute haircut has grown out and now my bangs are in my face. It's too soon for another cut, but I'm sad that the cuteness is gone.

current celebrity crush:
I have a crush on every boy in real life, but no celebs at the moment.

current indulgence:
Writing this entry

current #1 blessing(s):

current slang or saying:
"Goodness" and "Pretty much"

current outfit:
Dark grey dress capris. Light pink button down with 3/4 sleeps. Black kitten heels. Pink flower pendant.

current excitement:
Pay day.

current mood:
These lyrics (which have been replaying over and over for a few days now) pretty much sum it up.

And there’s nothing I can do
And there’s nothing I can say to you
I’ve got a lot of work to do
I guess I’ll leave it up to you
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