The Daniels Generation 4.0 Part 1

Aug 25, 2013 00:33

My name is Kaede Daniels. I am a recent high school graduate and I will be going to Garden University with my twin sister Keiko and her girlfriend Bim in about a month. Dad gave me this journal as a present.

Speaking of my dad, my family celebrated his birthday a couple days ago.

Aside from some wrinkles and the grey hair, I think he’s aged well.

Mom happily agrees.

We also celebrated my sister and me going to Garden University. There was plenty of hugs, “oh you’ve grown so much’s,” and “we’re going to miss you’s”.

That’s all I’ve got for now. I’ll start writing more once I start classes.


Well as of a couple days ago I, along with Keiko and Bim, am now a student of a Garden University. All of three of us decided to pool together our scholarship money and get us some private housing instead of living in a cruddy dorm.

I’m majoring in Lit, Keiko’s majoring in biology, and Bim’s majoring in political science. I would have thought that she would have majored in mechanics or something but she’s actually interested in getting a job with the SCIA after she graduates.

Any way adjusting to living by ourselves is going well.

I’ve been trying to get to know Bim a little better since she’s likely gonna be my sister-in-law one day. She’s actually pretty cool and she introduced me to this sci-fi series on TV.

The three of us have been spending some time outside the house too. Hanging out at the Student Lounge Building for example.

We’ve also been going to the library to take care of assignments since we’re too poor to get a computer.

Although I’ll admit that I’ve been using the library computers for some… less educational purposes.

Thankfully Keiko hasn’t found out yet.

Well I think that’s about it for now. Write later.


Hey sorry it’s been a while. College workload kind of caught me by surprise. But it hasn’t been all work. I brought along my easel with me so I’ve been working on my art.

…Also messing around with the leaf piles around the house but mostly my art.

Keiko’s been spending her free time stargazing when she’s not studying.

Unfortunately not everything is going great. During lunch, Bim talked about how she and Keiko had been getting some creepy phone calls recently. Like I’m talking skeevy creepy, this dude has been making really gross comments about the two of them.

I asked Bim if she knows who’s been sending the phone calls and how long this has been going on.

But Keiko piped in saying that she’s trying contact the dean about this. She also told me to not get involved and play hero. Cause you know I should never want to defend or help my sister and her girlfriend.

But hopefully someone will look into this and I won’t have to do something.


UGH! I’m too angry to sleep! Just as I was getting ready to go to bed, I overheard Bim on the phone. Apparently either Keiko hasn’t gotten in contact with the dean or he’s sitting on his ass doing nothing because Mr. Skeevy called again!

Bim tried to calm me down but honestly I’m more angry than before. No one messes with my sister and her girlfriend.


Hey sorry for the last entry being all rage-y. I’m feeling a little better now. Helps that I met someone.

So I was at this place called Sims Gone Wired.

It was a decent place; it had a restaurant, a TV corner, some computers and magazines.

I was ready to leave, when this guy barreled through the door and crashed into me!

But to the guy’s credit, he actually apologized before I could start yelling at him.

He said that his name was River Wolosenko.

He seemed like a nice guy so I took up his offer of Apology Coffee and chatted.

River was fun to talk to. He’s actually a Hawk Bradley fan like I am so I think I may have spent more than a few minutes geeking out with him.

But all in all he was a really nice guy and it was nice to talk to someone outside family.

It was a couple hours later when River had to go. But he and I exchanged numbers and promised to hang out again at some point.

So I’m in a pretty good mood. I don’t think even Mr. Skeevy can ruin my day right now.


Woo! This place is starting to look more like a home! We all got some extra money thanks to Financial Aid and we took the opportunity to get some stuff for the house like a new couch…

Some alarms…

And a sink for the kitchen so now we don’t have to wait for someone to finish up in the bathroom to wash dishes.

So between all that and the fact that we haven’t heard from Mr. Skeevy in a while, I think we’re in for some smooth sailing.


Ugh spoke too soon I guess. We just got robbed last night.

But the burglar didn’t even get a chance to grab anything thanks to that house alarm we bought.

The police came by quickly and caught her. We even got a little reward money since the police had been after this lady for a couple months. It still sucked though and the three of us had trouble going back to bed.

Then we got worrying calls from mom and Brian the next day and we all had to assure them that everything was okay. Dad also sent us an email.

Well at least it shows that they care.


So Keiko and I went over to visit the folks over the weekend, namely to go and celebrate mom’s birthday.

It had been so long since my sister and I were given Bigfoot hugs by Brian that it almost caught us by surprise when he gave one to the two of us.

We also got some good old fashion mom and dad hugs too.

Also I gotta say that it was nice to talk to my folks face-to-face again. Yeah mom calls a lot but chatting on the phone isn’t quite the same.

Heck I even actually kind of miss seeing mom and dad being all lovey-dovey with each other.

But anyway mom’s birthday party went well.

Mom may be all gray and wrinkley but I think she’s aged well. Gives me some hope for when it’s my turn to go gray.

I’m gonna end this entry here, it was a long trip and I need to get to sleep.


Heh, heh had a nice night out with River. We went to this old place called Lucky Shack & Cards.

We decided start the night by doing some karaoke.

I’ll admit that I wasn’t that good and to be honest, River was even worse. But hey we had fun and I say that’s the important part.

Afterwards we played some cards; thankfully River and I were better card players than karaoke singers.

When I finally came home, I saw Keiko and she seemed to be in a bad mood. I had a feeling about what she was upset about. So like a good sister, I sat down next to her and started a conversation that didn’t involve Mr. Skeevy.

We talked about our classes, messages from home, I joked with her about my and River’s karaoke “skills.”

I could tell that she was still a little upset by whatever but she seemed to be a better mood.


Today… today was a bad day.

It started when we decided to go to the pool at the Campus Gym.

At some point I decided to step out to use the bathroom and when I came out, I saw this creepy guy looking Keiko and Bim as they were kissing.

He started making these super gross comments about them. It didn’t take long for me to realize that this was Mr. Skeevy.

Keiko and Bim figured it out too and pretty much reacted as you’d expect.

But Skeevy tried to make excuses.

“Hey come on, I’m just looking. No law against that.”

Keiko and Bim tried to walk, find someone to report this jerk to… unfortunately I didn’t think to do the same.

I confronted him.

“Hey asshole, leave them alone!”

“Hey buzz off lady, I’m just admiring here!”

Ugh every word out of this guy pissed me off!

“Admiring!? You’re treating my sister and her girlfriend like pieces of meat!”

The arguing just worse and worse and then…

We actually started fighting.

Keiko and Bim were too shocked to do anything besides stand and watch.

I ended up losing the fight.

Sometime during the fight, someone ran to get a staff member so eventually the whole thing was broken up. I don’t know what they did for Skeevy but I was banned from the gym for the rest of the year.

Also my little rumble resulted in a big black eye for me. But that wasn’t the worst of it.

Keiko was pissed. Keiko wasn’t usually one to get super angry but when she did, it was not a pleasant sight.

“Bim, I need to have a talk with my sister, can you go downstairs for a bit?”

My sister just glared at me until Bim was gone then she really exploded.


“What I was thinking was ‘wow this guy is a creep and I should defend my sister and friend.’”

“Yeah I’ll admit that it was stupid to get into a fight but I didn’t want to just stand there.”

“I don’t need a defender Kaede!”

“I don’t need you to come to my rescue and fight my own fights!”

“Not only that but you could have been put on academic probation or worse expelled!”

The two of us just kept arguing like that for some time. Eventually Keiko got frustrated and went downstairs. I could actually hear her slamming the door.

After all that… I just felt tired and drained.

It really started to hit me what I did. I got myself into a fight and lost badly, I got in trouble with the school, I got a nasty black eye, and my twin is pissed at me and probably doesn’t want to talk to me.

Bim came back upstairs at some point. She didn’t say anything and neither did I.

She eventually went back downstairs and I stayed on the couch until dinner.

This has been the worst day ever.


I'm sorry that this update took so long, I've been really busy.

Author's Notes:

* Once again these pictures were taken months ago so I admit that some of the writing is sloppy here.

* The whole thing with the Skeevy Guy. I kind of have to admit that I wish I handled this a little differently but by then I had already taken the pictures and the girls had already graduated. So yeah. Also I have to admit that there is bit of a plot hole of how did Skeevy know who Keiko and Bim and how did he get their number. I guess you could say that he saw out and about and looked them up the student directory but again still kind of a plot hole.

Hopefully the next update won't take as long so we can get to the main part of Gen 4's challenge. See you guys then.

differences in the family tree challenge, the daniels, story, generation 4

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