The Clancys Generation 6.2

Jan 29, 2012 22:19

Another long over due update, hope you guys enjoy. :)

Last time:
Saria and Marty got married
Saria gave birth to a girl named Chocobo
Chocobo became a toddler and was adorable

So I mentioned at the end of the last update that I forgot to turn FRAPS on after my PC restarted itself so we've got bit of a time skip.

Chocobo is now a child and she is still rather cute.

Saria got pregnant at the end of the last update but FRAPS was still off when I was playing through her pregnancy so meet our second potential Gen Yellow heir: Pikachu. Pikachu is a girl with her Grandpa Raz's blonde hair, daddy's skintone, and mommy's brown eyes.

Chocobo (and later Pikachu) happily serves as a tester for mommy's new toys.

Aw, I rarely ever get this interaction so it's always sweet when I get it. <3

'Ello what's this then?

Oh it's just Midna, never mind folks.

Hi Hephaestus (rikkulidea).

The ghosts are in full force tonight, thankfully we had no disasters.



Saria you had one before, you should know how to take care of a baby.

See you can be a good mom, defy those Romance sim stereotypes! :D

She even brings Pikachu to her cake...

She definitely has her mom's nose and she's got the Clancy eyes which her sister doesn't have.

A day late but well we all get the pattern, birth or birthday, death soon follows.

Woo! Go Saria!


Chocobo gets an A+...

Plus later that night, Saria becomes a Rock Godess. It is a day of win!

Tyler, the 1st gen spouse (from simforaranya for those who don't remember) pops out to congratulate his descendant...

Unfortunately since he's a ghost it came out as less "congratulations" and more "BOOGEDYBOOGEDYBOO!"

Showing that Marty is actually pretty damn close to his LTW (20 Best Friends) although at the time I thought the LTW was 30 Best Friends because he rolled that as a want.

So originally this was going to be more "ugh Marty needs to make more friends!"

Saria however still needs some work on her LTW and one of the challenges for her generation (make 100,000 simoleons.)

I know it's terrible but I still find the toddler hug for cats hilarious, especially the D8 and >:| faces they make. XD

Another thing I love, the female rock god uniform! The paycheck and the uniform is why I'm letting Saria stay in that career for a couple days.

I turn my back for a minute and Chocobo gets herself skunked.

Chocobo: I'M SMELLEY! DX

Well sweetheart, maybe if you paid more attention to nature shows and Looney Tunes cartoons, you would have avoided this. :|

New kitty! She's actually rather pretty and her name is Ladybug (game gave it to her not me.)

Ooh a cake, who's the cake for?

Why for Pikachu of course, so how did she turn out?

Just fine really. Although... I mean she's cute but Chocobo is a little cuter. Then again who knows what the teen years have in store so let's not jump to any hasty decisions.

Ah hello there Amaretto (the_caaah), I guess you were trying to steal the Clancy's paper or trying to kick their trashcan down? You must be new here.

Two of the cats got old, Slipper and Boots I believe. Sandal is staying young so he can have kittens with Ladybug.

Hm? Saria who are calling?

Saria: It's a surprise. ;)

This honestly scared the shit out of me, I was honestly afraid that Roseanne was going to die here.

Thankfully the firelady came in time and saved her. Believe me when I say that we gave her the biggest tip she could get for doing that. :D

Unfortunately the stove glitched and no one could pick up the burned food. I had moveobjects the thing and replace it. -_-

Meanwhile, Marty manages to fulfill his LTW (using that old voodoo doll that's been passed down all the way from Generation Purple) thus making him the first sim in my game that has ever accomplished that LTW.

Wow more win from Saria! She now has a Golden toy-making badge. Now she can make better toys which means MORE MONEY!

Okay all of you (with the exception of the grandparents) are sitting around on the couch. Is there an occasion for this?

Oh! So that's who Saria was calling. Yeah she's been constantly rolling vacation wants for awhile so I figured, what the hell, why not. She's earned it.

So the old folks will be staying home and taking care of the house and the cats while Saria, Marty, Chocobo and Pikachu enjoy some fun in the sun.

Also since I'm just going to present the vacation pictures as spam since I don't feel like chronicling the vacation like with gen 3 of the Daniels or with Maya trying to get all the memories.

Because while with the Daniels, I was feeling annoyed by hotels, the family decides to stay at the vacation home bought by Great-Great-Grandma Maya.

Since I have long since accomplished the "get all the vacation memories" task with Maya long, long ago. I pretty much let the family do whatever.


Goddammit Marty.

Thankfully there was a fire alarm and everything is okay... except for the food. -_-

Yeah after that incident, Saria took care of the cooking for the rest of the vacation.

Wrong greeting Saria. :|


Are you kidding me? Pikachu gets the Ghost Captain to come out on her first try where for all my other sims it takes like a bajillion tries!? Are you kidding me!?

Well he's out here so the family might as well learn the chanty.

So the family spends the last day of their vacation singing the sea chanty and smustling.

But of course the adults find another way to celebrate once the kids are tucked into bed.

Well let's leave them to it.

Sorry there isn't much but this all taken back in December I think so yeah. But hopefully the next update will be better. See ya guys later. :)

the awesimsauce challenge, the clancy family, pixel trade, generation 6

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