The Clancys Generation 6.0

Sep 10, 2011 14:46

Last time:
Saria made herself available to the local teens of Stonewell
Roseanne got Peace of Mind from the Genie
Raz and Roseanne grew old
Link grew up and moved out thus Saria was declared the Gen Green Heiress
Saria grew up

So we join our heiress in some spouse searching downtown.

It didn't quite go well.

Just to show you that Saria is still working in the Music career and doing pretty damn well.

Oops, sorry about the mood whiplash. Rest in peace Wool. :(

So life goes on and Saria continues her spouse hunt at the park.

What she got was a rather embarrassing break-dancing lesson.

Well Jake Jackson (fivesims) seems interested but I want a little genetic variety this gen (no more brown or dark blue eyes DX)

Wait but it seems we got lucky when Saria came home and found brilliantcat's Marty walking by.

Oh that was nice of him (and better than Marty trying to set Saria up with someone else) and he's spewing hearts over her so that's a good sign.


Hello! Hm... this sort of brings an interesting question considering up til here I've had the spouses following the generation rules. I may have to make a couple exceptions... if that's okay. >_>

So Saria finally decides to ask Marty out for a date downtown.

Beatrice ghost: Rawr! You better treat him right!

Saria: D:


So when they get to the restaurant, the first thing Saria does is use her trusty rose trick.

Ooh, hoo. What are you two up to?

Taking pictures of course, what else would they be doing? You people have dirty minds.

*Sighs and shakes head*

Oh no wait false alarm, it's just Tara Kat and her husband.

Now back to the couple we're supposed to pay attention to.

Yeah I'd say this date went pretty well.

The next day Saria invites Marty over to her place to get to know him better.

Take a look at this! Three bolts! It's true love... well as true love as it can be with a romance sim. >_>

Saria: So you wanna move in?

Marty: Whoa, no thanks. Making-out is nice but I don't know about moving in.

Saria: ...Oh well. At least I've got you kitty, at least I can hold you and cuddle you and...

Marty: ...

I think she convinced him.

Here's Marty's green make-over.

Baby chimes? Already?

Saria got her heiress portrait done.

Um Midna, you died from old age and failure why are you raiding the fridge? O_o

And instead of answering my question she goes and greets the newest member of the household.

Aw Saria, what's wrong sweetheart?

Saria: I feel sick.

Yup, those were baby chimes I heard.

Yeah that first day was not easy on Saria.

*Sigh* Romance sims.

Whoop, invisi-pop and I seem to have lost the picture where she still slept with the townie so let's skip ahead shall we?

Quick change of clothes.


Saria: Marty... I know we haven't known each other long...

But I think there's a real connection between you and I. So I was wondering if...

Can you tell that he said yes? ;)

Aw, so cute. :3

Looks like one of the cats have reached their silver years. I think it's Buddy, it's been a while since I last played.

And with this second pop, we end the update.

We'll be having the wedding in the next update, see ya guys. :D

the awesimsauce challenge, the clancy family, pixel trade, generation 6

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