The Clancys Generation 5.0

Oct 28, 2010 09:34

Last time:
Glottis finally accomplished his Generation's Challenge
Linda grew up and moved out to live with Sensible Hue Behr
Raz (still a teen) is declared heir
Glottis and Beatrice grew old
Raz grew up and had to choose between Alejandra July and Roseanne Pickles

So here's Raz after a quick make-over... yeah I know that sweater isn't exactly brown but it looked brown at first. Least the color is right on the pants. >_>

And if you couldn't tell from the splash image, the winner of Sim Bachelor: Awesomesauce Edition from the end of our last update is Veronica Roseanne.

After saying good-bye to Alejandra, Raz asks Roseanne out on a date.

As I'm sure you can tell from this picture, it went well.

It ends with the two of them going back to Raz's place and getting her to move in.

And here is Roseanne's make-over.

No baby chimes (good thing too, the dress I have in mind for Rosie for the wedding doesn't have a maternity mesh).

Er... okay never had that glitch before. O_o

Uh... Uh... oh! Look, lookie at the adorable couple! :D

So here's the store that Raz and the family are going to run, The Treasure Trove.

Raz works on register and Rosie and her future in-laws (when they're not trying to tai-chi or ask the guests for a snowball fight -_-) work the sales.

The majority of the stuff that Raz and Roseanne dig up is rocks and bones and oddly enough they're the top sellers.

Raz: Hey Rosie?
Roseanne: Yeah Raz?

Raz: I know it might be a little soon but we've know each other for a few years and I was wondering...

Roseanne: *Gasp*

Roseanne: *Squeals like a schoolgirl*

Raz: So that's a yes?
Roseanne: *Nods*

Raz's OTH is Music & Dance but since Glottis already got that plaque Raz is going work on getting the Tinkering plaque.

I love that picture so much. It's one of those light-up moving pictures. :D

So Roseanne's OTH is Cuisine so she'll be tak...

Oh dear. *Shakes head*

As I was saying, Rosie's getting our Cuisine Plaque. But right now she wants to win a cooking contest.

She enters with a plate of Crepes Suzette.

The IH enters Baked Alaska, the Chef enters Omlettes, and the Bartender enters... Santa Cookies? Really?

Raise your hand if you're surprised. Anyone? Anyone?

I swear each new heir and heir spouse just try to up the cuteness quota.

Well time for the wedding! Guests: Bianca Broke (simgaroop), Linda, Thrush (needlecream), Elise September (brilliantcat).

Amzi Starling (tinykat) and Dolly February (shelbster93).

Love is in the air for this wedding.

Not so much with Thrush who tried to flirt with Linda in the house. :\

Ah well, the wedding's all about Raz and Rosie so joy all around!

Aw what's the matter Thrush, you still sore from Linda's rejection?

Thrush: Nah, I'm too young to drink.

...Oh yes you're too young to drink but you're old enough to try to flirt with an older woman. -_-

This is what happens when you try to keep the guests away from the distractions and thus end up blocking one of the two bathrooms.

God Roseanne is adorable! I can't wait to see her kids with Raz.

Nothing quite like a good family smustle to end the party.

And nothing quite completes a good wedding party like some post-wedding woohoo.

For a while it's back to work for the family. (First sim in picture would be my Kathleen Burary and second sim would be bondchick_nett's Ceceilio.)

Oh dear, someone's pregnant.

Raz: Um honey...?

Roseanne: Huwha?!

Raz: Oh good you're awake! :D

Roseanne: *Snorts out a couple beans* Oh geez my nose burns.

Then about a minute later, she collapses in her chili again.

Raz: Should... should I help her?

Fastforward a day later and we are greeted with invisi-pop.

Roseanne doesn't show in her regular clothes so I had switch up to this outfit.

CoCo died. :(

I'm sure you can tell that not much happened.

You know I've had the game since I think Freetime came out and I've just now noticed that the show on the tv is a Survivor parody.

I think I mentioned how I'm not fond of the HUGE belly on the fat maternity mesh in this mod right?

Well thankfully it's now baby time!

A boy! Daddy's skintone and eyes, mommy's eyes. His name? Link. Couldn't resist. :3

Again so much love for Simgaroop and her CC. <3

The family also gets a new kitten, meet Buddy.

But this is Awesomesauce, we need some heir competition.

Baby chimes. By the way, I love the totally satisfied looks on their faces, this almost became the splash image. XD

Fast forward a bit and it's time to celebrate Link's birthday and the end of this update.

...Well he's cute but he seems to be mostly Raz but with Roseanne's nose. Well there's still one kid that hasn't been born yet so we'll see.

That's it for now folks, I'll see ya later.

Oh and Linda and Raz have been added to the Claim-A-Clancy page. :D

the awesimsauce challenge, the clancy family, pixel trade, generation 5

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