Warnings: Some out of order pictures, emoticons, small sprinkling of swearing
Last time:
Trucy and Tyler got their LTWs
Maya found and befriended the evil witch
Thus started a very, very long process trying to get her (Maya) to be good
Sheena tried to get some attention by calling in an old acquaintance for a booty call
Trucy and Tyler got old :(
So we start off this update with Maya celebrating her last night as a teen with Heph.
Maya: Love, love, love, love! Makes the world go round!
Date didn't last long unfortunately, it just kind of sort of ended as soon as Maya got there. =/
Also I totally didn't know a spell could fail, some of her needs dropped down. D=
Oh gee, thanks for showing up Ms. Good Witch, wish you could have shown up a long time ago but oh well.
She stopped by for some fun (and some easy want fulfillment). Major cuteness ensues!
Oh hey it's Mimi! One of my September founders, I need to get around making a couple of "Where are They Now?" posts.
Hey Hawthorne! I see you got that ring of water problem taken care of.
Must be Creelman Night, here's Gigi!
Maya: It's a pleasure to meet you Ms. Creelman, would you be interested in joining my family at some point?
This never fails to entertain me.
Well today's the day, the girls called in "sick" and Maya invited Heph over...
Last snog before adulthood.
Last looks...
And Generation 2 has officially started! Just ignore the wardrobe adjuster in the background, cough, cough.
Sheena after her make-over.
Maya after hers. Just plain beautiful! <3
And Heph. His LTW is reach the Top of the Gamer career (I'm getting kind of sick of this LTW honestly :|.)
Well Sheena, you're on your own now! I'm sure we'll see you again one day.
Okay Spare has moved out, moved the old folks room upstairs, and gave the Heir Room a make-over. You know what this means...
Time to break in the new bed.
Just ignore the fact that I forgot to give Maya color appropriate undies.
Liar! Llliiiaaarrr!
At this point I decided to get Roxy a boyfriend, this little guy's named JoJo.
Lol. Old age getting to you already Trucy?
Maya: What the crap? I found a map why I do have to dig around again?
Because one of the vacation memories is finding a treasure chest so get digging missy!
So much for how awesome you are. -_-;
Trucy and Tyler = Still adorable!
Heph's OTH is Fitness so we'll be counting on him for the Fitness plaque (if any of his and Maya's kid have the same OTH, I'll just have them work on a different one).
MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... *Cough, hack, cough*
Maya: *Magic Teleport*
Heph: *Freaks out*
Maya: Oh look JoJo's climbing up onto one of the beds isn't that adorable!?
Heph: *Thinking* Hot chick appearing out of nowhere... my god it's my greatest dream as a teenager taking physical form!
I'm sorry, I just never get tired of this. XD
Anyway, it was about time to get these two engaged, Heph and Maya may be pleasure sims but I think they should have some decency... well as much decency as you can in an underwear proposal in front of your elderly mother.
Of course after seeing this sweet scene, Tyler comes to lay down the rules. Say what you will of his profession but this is a man who truly loves his family and isn't afraid to use his Doomsday Device if he sees his little girl get heartbroken.
Dad wearing his pajammas while hanging out with his daughter's fiancee who's wearing nothing but his purple briefs. Yup that's totally something I want to see when/if I get engaged.
Well at least Tyler and Heph are getting along, it might Trucy a bit to used to her future son-in-law.
Trucy: What the hell you mean you don't like adventure games!
Ladies and gentlemen, we have sparkles.
And with the money the family's been getting from Heph's new job and chance cards, we redid the purple room... for the millionth time. God I swear I use the most expensive purple wallpaper and floor that would look good with it (I think I do end up changing the floor later) and their environment is still only half! >O
Maya: Heph, where are you? We need to get married now. :(
Maya, sweetie, he's at work, he'll be home soon and tomorrow will a day when everyone has the day off and you'll get married then.
Speaking of tomorrow, not only was it the day of the wedding but JoJo grew up today! Can't wait to see the combinations of fur colors his and Roxy's kittens get.
Everyone's feeling all romantic and dressed up in their nice formal wear so let's get this wedding started! Whose on the Guest List?
Well we've got Mesmer and Necro Dork
katu_sims, Elise September
Sheena, Gigi Creelman
and Hawthorne Creelman.
First few moments spent on sisters and friends playing catch up.
Some influencing wich lead to awkwardness.
Hawthorne: So could I possibly interest you in a back rub? People always tell me that I give Killer Back rubs
Mesmer: Wait was that "killer back rub" in italics? Oh god I soooooo do not want to die thank you very much.
A toast, I did for the party score I swear!
I don't think they're quite as cute as Trucy and Tyler but they're pretty damn close.
Uh hey Heph you sure that's safe?
Heph: Of course, nothing bad ever happens you light fire hazzards in...
Heph: ...Side
Heph: Necro and the cat are behind me laughing aren't they? D8
Now comes the reason why we're having this party... if the guests could figure out the "oh-so-complex" seating. *Facepalm*
Hawthorne: *Stretches over to Elise's seat* Oh don't mind me I'm just trying to figure out these crazy seating arrangements.
Hurray! The guests are able to get seats! Morons
Everyone except Tyler: Woo! Go Heph and Maya! Wooo! Good luck to you guys!
Tyler: Um, you all are aware of the fact that Heph and Maya are already running off to get cake right?
Dammit, why can't I get a cake shover!? ;_;
I never get tired of this interaction, just the expressions! <3
Elise: *Glares at Hawthorne* These wonderful people went through all the trouble of getting us this nice cake and imagine all the work from the bakers that went into making this cake. And you go and raid the fridge... you disgust me. >(
And after cake comes the sweet romantic dance.
Parents of the bride decide to join in.
Whoop. >_O
*Hides* O_O
Ah but Heph knows to make a lady happy. <3
The party has ended and the couple are now on their way to their honeymoon.
While the guests... well... *facepalm*
Well anyway, we'll see you all later at lovely and freaking freezing Three Lakes.
Well now that gen two has started, not only am I getting closer to where I currently am with the family but now I put up the download post so keep a close eye! =D
See you later!