The Campbell Apocalypse Chapter 4

Apr 21, 2009 07:01

I am Amelia Campbell, the daughter of Adam and Shelby Campbell.

A few months after my 15th birthday, papa started to become senile. He mostly just ignored us and would write random jibberish in a journal...

Or play chess.

Papa's state really scared us. Sometimes papa would start making a big dinner (mama said he was probably reliving his days as a famous cook) even though we were doing fine on the leftovers from the day before...

Then as soon as he put the food in the stove, he would forget what he was doing and walk off. Then me or mama or Eli had to take over and make sure a fire did not start.

Mama tried her best to be patient with him, she still loved him after all and she knew that one day she was going to be the same.

My big brother Eli grew up a couple of years later. He was very sad over the fact that he couldn't go to college. This was something that bothered him for a long while but he tried his best to move on.

He took a job at the elementary school as a playground monitor, it was only what mama called an "entry level job" but papa did start as a dish washer and look at where it lead him.

Even though he was not a real family man, Eli worked well with the kids and he was quickly earning promotions. But that was not the only good news.

One day mama came home from work smiling, she brought a friend carrying a bunch pipes and other things that looked weird to me. They went to the bathroom and I could hear them working on something.

Finally they came out and mama asked me if I wanted to try the first shower in the new world.

Mama helped me on how it worked. There were certain things that felt weird to do and I remember when we turned it on, the water was so hot, I jumped back. But after a bit, I got used to it and it felt so good!

I was told that mama made it at work and now every home in the country was going to have one.

Now that mama had become the Chief of Staff at the hospital. She spent her time at home to work on her skills, she always had that lifelong dream of becoming a Renaissance Woman... whatever that is.

Mama was starting to show some signs of senility. But she held on for a long time. Soon she told us that she felt like she was on top of the world!

Just in time too. A few days later, it was mama's birthday and when she looked at the cake, she turned to me and asked whose birthday it was.

Although it was sad to see my parents like this, I was glad that there was one thing that never changed, their love.

Eli took care of me and our parents. He taught me as much as he could, made me feel special, and always offered me an ear to talk to and a shoulder to cry on.

Of course I also had another friend, Geordi Dork. He was an old friend of papas, although he was quite odd and I had to agree with papa that it was strange for Geordi to look the way he did. He didn't even show any signs of senility.

But he was friendly enough so I chose to not ask questions... yet.

A couple years went by and I finally became an adult... remember when I said that Eli was sad over not going to college? Well I was a little more than sad.

I don't really remember much of what happened during those few days. Eli tells me I would sometimes go into fits, screaming about how I was so stupid. That I never went to high school or college

Eli helped me so much during my fits. He always told me that I was very smart and that I did not need college.

"Who needs college? It's all boring anyway! You're way better off."

Mama also helped even if she probably did not know what she was saying.

Tuesday came around and I called up Geordi. I knew what papa had planned for us, so I just kissed him. His possible reaction didn't occur to me after we stopped. I apologized over and over. Then he smiled and swung my hands. He did not mind.

Geordi moved in later that night. We waited a few months to adjust to everything, especially our future plans. But nearly half a year later, I took Geordi upstairs and proposed to him.

I was so happy when he said yes.

When we finally got married a few days later... well... I just do not how to describe it!

As I looked at Geordi in our bed, I found that all I cared about in that moment was my husband...

I'm sorry if it sounds a little awkward, I'm trying to figure a way to give Amelia a voice of her own so I can avoid that pit trap with writing and the characters all sounding the same. >P

Anyway, I apologize the shortness or if it wasn't all that good. See ya later.

Shelby and Geordi = katu_sims

the campbell family, the apocalypse challenge, pixel trade, generation 2

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