I've had this entry open for the last, oh, six hours and hadn't written a word until now.
I feel like there's a lot to say, just nothing that I want to put down on "paper". Nonetheless, I'll try.
Laura's going to have a baby. That was the big news last night. Apparently she left it in a phone message on my voicemail a few days ago and I deleted the message before hearing that little tidbit of information. That'll teach me to listen to the complete message, huh? This is the closest I'll get to being an aunt in the next few years and I plan to make the most of it. I'm already planning the layette and Laura has requested that I knit her warm socks for the delivery room. Ooh... and little knitted baby blankets! And booties.
I'm not going to start any of this until June, when she's out of the first trimester. And, she plans on finding out the sex of the baby beforehand, which will give me a better idea for colors. If I know Lou, and I do, the baby will be dressed in either blue or pink. No ambiguity for the new little Zemaitis.
The only bad thing about this pregnancy is that it's making us (Laura, because she's pregnant, and me, because I live vicariously through her, obviously) feel old. First, Laura got married, now a baby. Life's moving pretty quick.
On a different note, I spoke with Victoria and she will be overnighting a pair of black leather pants to me tomorrow. Thank goodness for the USPS. I went to DSW and was unable to find a pair of black boots that I liked for under sixty dollars. As they're really only for a costume, I don't want to invest that much money in them. The search continues. And yesterday I headed out to The Mills to Wilson's Leather to look for a black leather tank top, but the entire mall was closed. I'm not sure if this bothered me because not everyone, including me, is a christian, or because when I worked retail I had to work every holiday. Nonetheless, I'm working on my costume. Hopefully I can pull it together by Friday.
Victoria called me to tell me about
this house that she's in love with. It always makes me ill finding out how inexpensive other places are. It also makes me wonder why I'm still living in Northern Virginia when I could buy a home somewhere else. And then I remember my job is located here. Grrr...
Zach called this weekend to see about this whole dating thing. Last time I'd talked to him I told him that I was interested in someone else and that it really wouldn't be fair for me to start dating while I was, in fact, thinking of someone different. Now, the situation has changed a bit and I'm actually dating someone else. I think when I drop off Sports Night (possibly tonight depending on my gym and sewing schedule) I'll let him know what's going on. I mean, saying something to the effect of, "I know that you asked me out and I turned you down and then immediately said yes to someone else, but you shouldn't really be offended by this, because it's taken a long time to get to this point," probably wouldn't go well on the phone, but will it go better in person? I guess I'll find out.
Speaking of sewing, I've got to alter four costumes (including mine). The cook's dress needs a collar and cuffs, the doctor's suit needs the pants hemmed, the nurse's dress really needs to be completely redone (as it's approximately a size 28 and the nurse is a size 10 or so), and my costume needs the buttons reinforced, as they look like they're falling off. I think I'll attach the collar and cuffs with snaps, so that the dress will not be completely altered and it will still be easy enough for quick costume changes. The pants should be pretty easy, as they just need a hidden hem stitch. That nurses costume is going to be the death of me. It needs to be totally reworked using basting stitches. This wouldn't be so bad, but I'm not sure how to get around the collar. We'll see. I'll play with it tonight. If worse comes to worse, Bjorn and I will just have to make a new dress.
I forgot to pick up my letter shirt stuff from Annie last weekend. Luckily, I'll be in Roanoke this coming weekend. Alumni Weekend. This will be my first, as a student or an alumnus.
Builds start next week. Every night. I thought it was bad going to play practice on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, but now it'll be Monday through Saturday for the next two weeks. Yuck! At least I get to build stuff. That always appeals to my creative side.
I'm wearing the black capris I bought at Casual Corner before they went out of business. I'm kicking myself for not getting them in every color they sold, as they are incredibly comfortable. Something disturbing about CC - it was one of Javi's mom's and Mrs. Yanello's (essentially the NJROTC Rifle Team mom) favorite places to shop. These people are at least 20 years older than me. At that rate, when I'm thirty, I'll be dressing like one of the Golden Girls. That can't be good.
I'm currently going through my wardrobe and getting rid of clothes. Some will go to Laura, some to Tins, maybe some to V (if she ever comes home), and some to donate. I was worried that some of my clothes would be too big for Laura, but she's going to be needing larger clothes in the months to come. I'm so excited! In this purging, I'm also getting rid of shoes. In the last month I have purchased probably ten pairs of shoes. Some of them are going to have to leave. Also, my feet seem to have hit the growth spurt that the rest of my body had five years ago and I'm sure some of my shoes will no longer fit. That's a good thing. It'll make my decisions easier.
While shopping with Annie Saturday, I found a pair of board shorts that match both bathing suits I bought (olive green board shorts - who knew?) and I'm wicked excited about that. I also found... well, a whole bunch of other things. The leather jacket and suit are probably my favorite items. The leather jacket might replace my green suede duster that I love (V bought it for me for my birthday a couple of years ago) that I accidentally ripped a button off. I still have to take that to the leather repairman (I'm sure he has a more appropriate name than that, but I'm not sure what it is) and see if that can be fixed. If not, replacement coat. If so, woo-hoo! Two leather coats! The suit, as stated by Annie, makes me look like the president (not the W, but just a president). I can't disagree. It's navy blue with red pinstripes.
I wonder what color RC caps and gowns are. I was at the 2004 graduation and for the life of me can't remember. Blue? I mean, that's one of the official school colors, right? I'll need to find that out before I start Annie's bear.
I played some
KOL today. I advanced a level and Grofflesby, my familiar, is now a wopping 9-pound mosquito. I have yet to open KHII and there's a good chance that it will stay that way for a few months, if it goes the way of the first.
My parents did not give me jelly beans this year for Easter. This is the first time I can remember that they didn't give me jelly beans, to which I'm allergic. Instead, they gave me jelly bean-flavored gum. To be on the safe side, I think I'll avoid this as well. But, they're trying.
For not wanting to write, I seem to have put a lot down. I think I'll save everything else for another entry.