Sep 04, 2009 19:19
There are reasons I don't actively date, or look for guys. Why increase the chances of
meeting someone awful? So the guys I have dated have all found me... feeding me promises
of .. 'oh i'm so sweet, and i'm so genuine.' Bull shit. You're just like all the rest
of the douche bags. Oh, but don't worry.. I'm not bitter. I'm used to meeting awful,
selfish people. Esp people you meet online.. I mean damn.. where do those people spawn
Just listen here *guy*... dont feed me all your crazy lines about how we were meant to
be together, then flip out and call me your mother when I wonder where you are for a
whole week. Fucking dumb ass. Maybe you need your mother if you're going to act like such
a child.
On a similar note.. why are all the guys I date closet cases? They are obviously
homosexual.. I mean just look at you. Go put a weiner in your mouth and I'm sure
you'd be more happy with your life.
Totally unrelated.... I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNT NEXT MONTH !!! I CANT WAIT !!! =)))))