Coming home

Apr 05, 2011 11:01

We went for Qing Ming yesterday for my paternal grandparents, at 5am omg. After lunch, we went to visit an uncle diagnosed to be in the last stage of intestine cancer, and is spending his last few days in a nursing home. He was just skin and bones, not even able to consume food anymore, can't see much anymore, and can't even recognize my father anymore. It was, too much for me, and I left for outside so that I could breathe again. I could see the hurt in my aunt's eye, and to hear from the doctor that he would not make it for more than the next 10 days. He was in so much pain too, I could barely understand hokkien, but from his tone when he whispered to my aunt, I could tell he's feeling tired and so much pain from living anymore. He was frustrated and said that nobody visited him at all, when all of us were actually gathered around him. I was pretty much shaken after that, thinking of how fragile life could be, and how lonely the path to death can be.
On a lighter note, we went for authentic Pontianak wanton mee, which beats the crap out of the local version!!! The owner was praising the man behind the famous chain store for his brilliant idea and to use the name, and how he rejected offers to supply his noodles. The noodles were so yummy and nice!
Even better, we had lok lok at night, awesome max. It was cheap and good, even though the concept is so simple. Lok Lok is simply boiling food on satay sticks in water, and you can ask the uncle to fry them too. It's like ytf meets bbq in a way, or even steamboat just that you don't drink the water you boil the food in.

So yea, my 7 days of crap is here, 1 day down, 6 more to go! All the best to me lol

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