Apr 19, 2009 14:20
i hear a lot of people saying about their friends or coworkers or classmates or stewardesses, "I think she/he has Asperger's/is mildly retarded/is autistic but you'd barely notice except for that socially awkward thing she/he does."
baloney. this is always being said about someone who is really great at math but not a great writer, or someone who does really annoying stuff. behaving beyond the confines of social norms, whatever they happen to be for your region, isn't a sign of mental retardation. your irritating classmate might just express his or her individual life experience differently.
i wish someone would say to me, "my roommate is really weird. i think she was born into an industrial society with limited control over scarce resources and little face to face contact with humans due to excessive use of technology. i don't think she's autistic or in need of medication. maybe i should take her camping."
fuck. stop giving everyone brain damage.