1. Err... I'm still feeling like a lima loser. Seriously. I really need to get my ass out of the house and start contributing to society.
2. I got accepted as a staff at
http://ibigbang.wordpress.com/ Yaaaayyy!~ You familiar with the site pipz? I submitted my application 2 months ago that I almost forgot about it... but then just a few days ago I received an email from Alee. OMG~ I got accepted. *dances* So yeah~ I just made my first post. It's kinda phail-y. Hahaha~
3. My childhood friend arrived last sunday and she's staying at my house. Yaaayyy!~ It's been 4 years since we last saw each other. Hehe... She's staying for 2 months for a Norwegian language training. She's sorta planning to go to Norway and work as a nurse. Mang~ Europe, it's kinda like halfway round the world.