Feb 02, 2007 16:40
I have wandered-traversed-explored the confines of this place, once, often, again. All that I know, all that ever was, all I have ever been. But that is not right... the knowledge of thousands and millions, of eternities and Planets, so many singing in my mind, taste of age and truth-knowledge-wisdom. They are real, and yet memory tells me that I have always been here.
I have listened, watched, observed the traversers in this place, this hotel. Watched them play out the games of their lives one at a time, day by day, one by one. Obsessed. So many of them. Love and love and hearts and flowers and things covered in chocolate. This is proof of love-care-affection? This is what they wish for so hard, so much, ringing in my head like dogs to their master?
I have seen the foolishness of my children. Watched their actions as they puzzle through their days. Seen the changes this prison has wrought on them, on him, my son, my beloved-chosen-firstborn. Watched him accept them as if he were a slave, never bending, never questioning, following and following, blind to what he is, what he wants.
I will not allow it.
Think you that you can stop me?