Green Grass and a Breeze

Jul 21, 2013 22:38

Had some passing sprinkles today. Had some sun.

Did some mowing.

Having something getting the yellow tomatoes. *sighs* I wonder if we are getting an insect. The red tomatoes don't have that. *ponders*

Time for bed. *hugs*

She avoided the irascible youth, because he looses his temper so easily.

Word of the Day for Sunday July 21, 2013

irascible • \ir-RASS-uh-bul\  • adjective
: marked by hot temper and easily provoked anger

Did you know?
If you try to take apart "irascible" in the same manner as "irrational," "irresistible," or "irresponsible," you might find yourself wondering what "ascible" means-but that's not how "irascible" came to be. The key to the meaning of "irascible" isn't the negative prefix "ir-" (which is used before words that begin with "r"), but the Latin noun "ira," meaning "anger." From "ira," which is also the root of "irate" and "ire," came the Latin verb "irasci" ("to become angry"), which led to French "irascible." English speakers borrowed the word from French in the 16th century.

garden, stuff, weather

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