Lifestyles of the Ponies

Aug 22, 2011 23:59

Sunny to start, wind picked up and started to cloud up this evening.

Mowed some, but it got too windy. Grass clippings in face. Need to keep an eye on the gas cans, down to the second one. Will have to fill those up soon.

Dreamscape: Scatter and Pinkie Pie were playing tag. Hysteria, Twilight Sparkle, and I were watching.
Hysteria says, "It must be Monday."
I reply, "Why is that?"
Hysteria looks at me with a half-lidded look, "because it isn't jungle ball rules."

Got a cut on my finger from the dog food can, this morning. It bled for a while, but it doesn't hurt. Wasn't deep.

Time for bed. *hugs*

Due to the importance of the ruling, the panel expedited their ruling.

Word of the Day for Monday August 22, 2011

expedite • \EK-spuh-dyte\  • verb
1 : to execute promptly
2 : to accelerate the process or progress of : speed up
3 : issue, dispatch

Did you know?
If you're really intent on expediting something, you jump in with both feet -- or apply a single foot where it will be most effective! And when you do, you're drawing on the etymology of "expedite" itself. The word comes from the Latin verb "expedire" ("to set free" or "to make useful"), a word that in turn traces back to the root "ped-" or "pes," meaning "foot." "Expedite" has been used in English since at least the 15th century.

dream, stuff, weather

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