Milliways: Infocom's Unreleased Sequel to Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy (and just for the heck of it)
Cocoa is my Girlfriend Ulrich inside for most of the day becomes hypersilly. Frighteningly so. If it were dry and not raining, we'd be outside for long enough to wear him out. But alas, it was raining hard most of the day.
Dad's still feeling out of it. Really hasn't ate much. He says not much really tastes good to him at the moment.
Time for bed. *hugs*
He could not inveigle anyone, because his attempts at flattery were completely inept.
Word of the Day for Friday April 18, 2008 inveigle \in-VAY-guhl; -VEE-\, transitive verb:
1. To persuade by ingenuity or flattery; to entice.
2. To obtain by ingenuity or flattery.
Inveigle comes from Anglo-French enveogler, from Old French aveugler, "to blind, to lead astray as if blind," from aveugle, "blind," from Medieval Latin ab oculis, "without eyes."