Yesterday: Didn't go to the pumpkin patch today. Thunderstorms rumbled through today. Rained off and on all day as well. If the weather is good tomorrow, (which it looks like it will be) then, I will be out at the patch tomorrow.
So I was at the laundromat this afternoon. wasn't too busy, but there were customers.
Today, foggy and rainy this morning. It quit in the late morning. I was able go in to the patch and get some work done. I'm in the midst of pie pumpkins. (They are smaller and more numerous.) If the weather holds tomorrow, I'll get some more done. (it sounds like rain in the afternoon....)
Self Insert Fic TV Topes I'll have to catch up on commenting tomorrow... if possible.
Time for bed. *hugs*
His curse was the bouleversement of his life.
Word of the Day for Monday October 1, 2007 bouleversement \bool-vair-suh-MAWN\, noun:
Complete overthrow; a reversal; a turning upside down.
Bouleversement comes from French, from Old French bouleverser, "to overturn," from boule, "ball" (from Latin bulla) + verser, "to overturn" (from Latin versare, from vertere, "to turn").
The project teetered over the precipice of failure.
Word of the Day for Sunday September 30. 2007 precipice \PRES-uh-pis\, noun:
1. A very steep, perpendicular, or overhanging place; a cliff.
2. The brink of a hazardous situation.
Precipice comes from Latin praecipitium, "a precipice," from praeceps, praecipit-, "with head before, headlong, steep," from prae, "before" + caput, "the head."