
Sep 07, 2013 22:27

I dug out my game cube and started playing Legend of Zelda disc that came with my original game cube. (the one that was stolen.) Restarted the Ocarina of Time.

I have a feeling that tomorrow will be vexing at work.

Time for bed. *hugs*

The malapert to\\rogue charmed the princess.

Word of the Day for Saturday September 7, 2013

malapert • \mal-uh-PERT\  • adjective
: impudently bold : saucy

Did you know?
"Malapert" debuted in English in the 14th century, was a favorite of Shakespeare, and is still used sporadically today. The prefix "mal-," meaning "bad" or "badly" and deriving from the Latin "malus," is found in many English words, including "malevolent" and "malefactor." The second half of "malapert" comes from the Middle English "apert," meaning "open" or "frank." "Apert" further derives from the Latin word"apertus" ("open"), which gave us our noun "aperture" (meaning "an opening"). Putting the two halves together gives us a word that describes someone or something that is open or honest in a bad way-that is, a way that is bold or rude. The noun "malapert" also exists, and means "a bold or impudent person."

They traced the fomite to a shirt sleeve of a poorly trained lab technician.

Word of the Day for Friday September 6, 2013

fomite • \FOH-myte\  • noun
: an object (as a dish or an article of clothing) that may be contaminated with infectious organisms and serve in their transmission

Did you know?
"Disinfectant on your hands keeps us healthier and fomites no longer foment as much disease." Australian newspaper contributor Peter Goers was likely going for alliteration when he paired up "fomite" and "foment," a verb meaning "to promote the growth or development of"-but, whether he realized it or not, the words "fomite" and "foment" are also related. "Fomite" is a back-formation of "fomites," the Latin plural of "fomes," itself a word for tinder. (Much like tinder is a catalyst of fire, a fomite can kindle disease.) "Fomes" is akin to the Latin verb "fovēre" ("to heat"), an ancestor of "foment."

stuff, job

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