Melting Perceptions

Aug 27, 2013 22:13

Busy day at work. Lots of deliveries during the lunch rush.

Another scorcher. Instant sweat outside. *sighs*

Time for bed. *hugs*

They japed me for lots of things.

Word of the Day for Tuesday August 27, 2013

jape • \JAYP\  • verb
1 : to say or do something jokingly or mockingly
2 : to make mocking fun of

Did you know?
"Jape" mysteriously appeared in the English language during the 14th century and was adopted by literary folks, such as Geoffrey Chaucer, as a word meaning both "to trick" and "to jeer." It was also used, however, with the meanings "to seduce (someone)" or "to have sexual intercourse." This ambiguity forced writers to think twice about using "jape" in fear of misinterpretation. Ultimately, the word was avoided by respectable writers, and by the end of the 16th century it had fallen into disuse. But this four-letter word was not completely forgotten. It got its second chance when 19th-century writers began using its "jeer" meaning again-leaving its carnal meaning in oblivion.

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