Foggy Characters

Aug 23, 2013 22:58

Gas Price: $3.49/gallon

Foggy start to the morning. Cloudy for part of the afternoon, then it cleared off. It cleared off while I was mowing, so I got a little sunburnt. Oh, well.

Mom picked green beans, today. Had them with dinner. Yum. ^_^

Time for bed. *hugs*

Vapor rose off his head into the cold air.

Word of the Day for Friday August 23, 2013

vapor • \VAY-per\  • verb
1 a : to rise or pass off in vapor
b : to emit vapor
2 : to indulge in bragging, blustering, or idle talk

Did you know?
Speakers of the English language, mindful of the lightness and unsubstantiality of floating air and gas, have put several airy words to good use over the years to describe the act of talking idly or boastfully. The earliest such word is "blow" (as in "he kept blowing about his new job"), which drifted into English sometime about 1400. "Vapor" wafted into the language in the 1620s, and a little over 200 years later "windbags," later also known as "gasbags," not only blew and vapored but also "gassed" about anything they could.

garden, gas, stuff, mom, weather

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