Grasshoppers versus Chili Cheese Potatoes

Aug 19, 2013 21:45

Laundry and grocery day.

Sunny day today, and a touch sticky.

The grasshoppers have been really hard on just about everything. They snack on just about everything in the garden, especially the peppers. *sighs* Why can't they chew on the weeds?

Time for bed. *hugs*

In search of the mot juste, she took an encyclopedic journey down the dictionary.

Word of the Day for Monday August 19, 2013

mot juste • \moh-ZHEWST\  • noun
: the exactly right word or phrasing

Did you know?
English was apparently unable to come up with its own mot juste to refer to a word or phrase that expresses exactly what the writer or speaker is trying to say and so borrowed the French term instead. The borrowing was still very new when George Paston (pen name of Emily Morse Symonds) described a character's wordsmithery in her 1899 novel A Writer's Life thusly: "She could launch her sentences into the air, knowing that they would fall upon their feet like cats, her brain was almost painlessly delivered of le mot juste…." As English speakers became more familiar with the term they increasingly gave it the English article "the" instead of the French "le."

garden, stuff

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