Aug 22, 2012 07:01

Avengers yesterday and now Once XD Now I'll survive my last day at work, thank you!

image Click to view

I should be at work you know... Better get to it XD

*rofl*, tv show: once upon a time

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sangate August 24 2012, 10:25:42 UTC
I think the blooper vid above is different from the one I found online from the Insider, as it didn't have the picture displayed before pressing play in it(does that make sense?), but the one I saw was fun too, but I do hope this one will find its way back online too.

And also a lot of David Anders in mine for a man who's way too little in the show from what I've heard (I've only seen the first five eps), which pleases me even greatlier XD

Btw, is it okay that Archie/Jiminy is by far already my favourite? ALL THE CRICKET FEELS!! (not a sentence I ever thought I'd utter..)


jenova_genesis August 24 2012, 10:54:00 UTC
The Insider version is a lot shorter. I hope someone uploads the complete reel again soon. Bloody love it! XD Can't wait for the Region 2/B BluRays ^^

Season 2 is supposed to have more Dr. Whale (David Anders's character) in it. We'll see :]

Archie is awesome, no worries ;] Ep 5 "That still small voice" is one of the best of the season imo.


sangate August 24 2012, 11:04:35 UTC
Ah okay! That makes sense :D Hope they will, because it seems there's more crazy Carlyle in that one? XD

I was hoping for that. He mentioned not being able to go to a con because of his commitments to season 2, so *fingers crossed*

Okay good XD Yeah I already liked him and then I watched ep 5 yesterday and I was sold. So good. All the Archie feels!!!!

Lovely icon XD


jenova_genesis August 24 2012, 11:16:56 UTC
A lot of crazy Carlyle in that one XD My favourite is with Lana and Barbara Hershey and the horse though (not sure whether it's in the Insider version) ♥

We're supposed to finally find out who he is in Fairytale Land ^^

My fave is Regina, you may have noticed X3


sangate August 24 2012, 11:46:02 UTC
Hahaha it was awesome!! Thanks for re-linking :D I love the wind blower too XD It was quite high indeed XD My favourite was probably the

Eeeeeeep I was hoping for that!!! *bounces* As a fangirl you hope for these things in your head, but they never actually happen XD

Hihi yes, I had noticed :D She's awesome!


jenova_genesis August 24 2012, 12:42:15 UTC
XD I just wish it were longer. Maybe S2 will give us more ^^

Just wait for the Little Red Riding Hood and Mat Hatter stories, absolutely loved those! The best (and saddest imo) is Regina's story though. No damn fairy ever came for her.


sangate August 24 2012, 13:14:35 UTC
Can never have enough bloopers!! Those things should be ten minutes, minimum!!

Mat Hatter? Aaaaaaaaaah :D

I have to say the ep where they reveal a little about her father made me feel for her. You can see she really loves Henry, so I really wanna know where it all started. It's the sad evil bad guy/girl all over again :(


jenova_genesis August 24 2012, 14:12:43 UTC
That's what I love about SPN, ten minutes at least ^^

Sebastian Stan as The Mad Hatter ♥ Simply gorgeous, this man!

Wait till you see how the King treated her or what her mother did :( I somehow always feel more for the "bad" guys. There's always a reason, something driving them. They're more intriguing than the "good" guys imo. And like Regina said: "Evil isn't born, it's made."


sangate August 24 2012, 15:51:25 UTC
Exactly where I got my minimum of 10 minutes from XD

BUCKY!!!! <3

Very true. I often feel for the bad guy too, for the exact same reason!


jenova_genesis August 24 2012, 16:50:08 UTC
10 minutes of pure gold, every time XD Can't wait for season 7!

Yes! ♥

*high five*


jenova_genesis August 24 2012, 11:32:49 UTC
Found a working link ^^ Edited the entry.


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