I want Pam to be my maker

Jul 30, 2012 20:04

Pamela Swynford De Beaufort, I just love you so much XD

I realise I may be a little biased when it comes to Pam but those two minutes of last night's ep she was in were my absolute highlight.

"We need to talk about your attitude."
"I gotta make this dude a Margarita first."
"You don't want a Margarita. You want a flat, half-empty beer."

"This is yours. After the shit she was singing she owes you."
"I thought you were mad."
"You don't know me that well. My mad face and my happy face are the same."

♥ ♥ ♥

Welcome to my sidebar ladies ^^

tv show: true blood, *rofl*, , actress: kristin bauer van straten

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