Yoinked and/or sort of tagged by
bloodscent. XD
Post something about your doll(s) that is not obvious to anyone else but you. It could be a personality trait, a hobby, a favourite thing, something you planned but never got around to talking about... Anything at all. It can be in a sentence or a whole story if you want.
Dev wasn't originally conceived as part-fae; I invented Eilan sometime not too long after Devin's creation, and decided that he might make an interesting father for my orphaned mage. Now, of course, Dev's ancestry is a HUGE deal in the story. ;D
Hmm, as an extra tidbit, for those who are reading Deprivation, remember that dream sequence in chapter 12? I didn't just drop it. There's a reason for it that only shows up much later ;)
Allistair's creation and introduction to the storyline totally shook up the rest of my plans for Devin's unfolding story. I had already planned for Eilan to be up to no good, but by giving him Allistair to use in his machinations, I could have the fun later of a shocking reunion scene and a REALLY good reason for Devin to be pissed at his father ;D (As opposed to, oh, a somewhat weaker reason...) Poor Allistair. ^^;
Luce is actually supposed to have scars down one side of his face from a fight with Devin's archnemesis, the demon Sikhander ul-Naga [Thane of the Naga Clan]. The fact that the demon could leave a mark on an angel of Luce's rank demonstrates how powerful he is. However, I'm not really up to scarring doll-Luce and marring Pookie's lovely faceup. ^^;
Given how Ellis and Eilan share a doll-form, both have red hair and fairly similar names, I've pondered making them related. That would, of course, also make Ellis and Devin related. But I think Ellis might be several generations removed from Eilan, far enough that any faerie blood in him would be virtually unnoticeable. So there's nothing too weird in Ellis crushing a little on Dev -- it's kinda like Aragorn and Arwen... they're cousins a few score times removed ;D
Okay, this isn't totally known only to me, but I imagine 99% of the flist doesn't know this: Mara was originally a character from a Final Fantasy VII fanfic. She's the sister of Cloud's friend Zack. XD She was blackmailed into joining the Turks after being caught pickpocketing. (Of course, a lot of the info coming out of the new FFVII games makes this different or even impossible.. sigh ;)
Joshu was just supposed to be a normal kid when he first came around, hanging out with Gavrie and Leda, but when I reconsidered my dollplan and shoehorned him (gently) into Daniel's story, I figured he could be a (good) musician, as that would be the perfect way for them to meet. And I do have a great love for the violin... X3 As he spends time with Daniel now, he's wondering if being a vampire is really that bad, and what Daniel might do if he and Joshu stay together for an extended period of time...
Dan was actually based in part on a Dungeons & Dragons/Forgotten Realms character I created a few years ago named Andelis. Andelis was a bard who worshipped the goddess of love and beauty, Sune (think Aphrodite). Translated into Vampire: the Masquerade terms, that sounds like a typical Toreador, so I kept the musical inclination, added some angst, and Daniel was born. X3 ...He's a lot more reserved than his forerunner, I must say. XD
Hmm, it's hard to think of stuff no one knows without giving away future bits of story. XD; Must maintain dramatic tension! Or something!