randomness, embrace it!

Aug 17, 2007 11:01

Random #1: recently at Michael's, I've found a cool new line of "fashion add-ons" like iron-on patches, charms for jewelry and the like. Some of the patches are great for dolls as well -- I've got one for Mara I need to make a shirt for -- and a couple of the charms provided me with things I've been wanting for a while now. I had to restrain myself from buying a ridiculous amount of the damn things. The brand of these items? Hilary Duff. I shit you not. If I'm remembering correctly, I also have Barbie clothes from her design line, too. If you (or your dolls) like feminine soft-punk looks, it may be up your alley. :p

Random #2: I've complained before that a good chunk of Asian dolly websites are blocked from here -- but of course, I usually only view the English sites... It looks like, for several sites, I CAN view their Korean websites, just not the English ones. oO Like, I can see dollmore.com but not dollmore.net, and dreamofdoll.com is the same way -- I have to select the Korean site at the top page. Some are just all blocked regardless (like Luts and LeeKeworld.. sigh), but it's interesting that the companies host their different-language sites on entirely different servers.. oO

random, shopping

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