"you leave me with my jaw on the floor..."

Jul 27, 2007 20:50

As threatened, the "How Well Do You Know Your Character" meme ;) Tagged by angelmecha!

1. Pick one of your characters
2. List 50 facts about the character
3. If you can thing of 50 or more random facts about your character then that proves you know them well
4. Tag a friend or another character

Somewhat stuck between Devin and Andey. Hmm...

So I went with Devin ;)

1. His middle name is "Alberich". This is the sort of thing that happens when you're raised by a sorcerer.
2. Has immaculate handwriting, though it's somewhat narrow.
3. Likes snacking on cereal (no milk, please).
4. Has a beautiful singing voice...
5. ...but would rather be shot than sing in front of people.
6. Has studied enough material to perhaps net a couple of post-graduate degrees, if anyone offered those on supernatural subjects.
7. Can read fluently in French, German, Latin, Hebrew, and Japanese, though he seldom has the occasion to speak any of them.
8. Has learned some of the demonic language, although most of it is swearwords. They have a lot of those.
9. Writes his spells with old-school pens (since he has to use his specially brewed ink).
10. Which pen he uses, when he has a choice, depends on the spell. He has several quills and dip pens, most of which were gifts.

11. Remembers nothing of his mother except her voice, and that only vaguely.
12. Has never tried looking into the past via magical means to learn more about her (i.e. some form of retrocognition).
13. Often secretly wished that Levalier was his real father or grandfather.
14. Is so removed from normal social interaction that he didn't realize he was gay until both Luciel and Sikhander pointed it out. (lol u n00b)
15. His eyes are usually described as stormy-sky blue -- the color of the sky as a storm rolls in and the leaves of the trees begin to show their undersides.
16. Those eyes are exactly the same color as his father's.
17. In fact, he and his father look enough alike that they could probably pass for one another.
18. Is blonde (like his mother) only because red hair is even more of a recessive trait than blonde.
19. Has 2 tattoos: a scorpion on his arm and a stylized caduceus across his back.
20. In theory, has 3 holes in each ear; 2 low, one high (haven't been this ambitious with his doll form).

21. Nine times out of ten, prefers reading non-fiction over fiction.
22. Frequently forgets to eat meals other than breakfast.
23. Drinks his coffee black.
24. Isn't particularly fond of sweets.
25. Never, ever takes off his cross necklace.
26. Lives in a grand old townhouse he inherited from his teacher.
27. Rents out the top of that townhouse as a penthouse apartment -- his current tenant is Daniel.
28. Is fairly well-off, and depends on a financial advisor to keep his money healthy (he's not the type to bother with it himself).
29. Drives a silver Toyota Celica, though he doesn't really drive that much at all, living in the city.
30. Every so often (i.e., when he thinks about it), buys fresh flowers to put in a vase in his office.

31. Has scars all over him from various battles; he let most of them heal up without much tending.
32. Suspects that he will need reading glasses in the future.
33. Likes walking around his house barefoot.
34. Isn't very tall (5'10"), but gives an impression of height anyway, through his manner.
35. Knows some basic fighting and self-defense moves (stuff taken from various martial arts, learned more for usefulness than style).
36. Is fairly ambidextrous, although he wouldn't write something as critical as a spell left-handed if he could help it.
37. Is kinda technophobic. An iPhone might blow his mind.
38. Only has a cell phone at all because Allistair got him one.
39. That being said, he's pretty good at Tetris.
40. Keeps in touch with a lot of his teacher's friends, though it sometimes feels like an obligation more than anything.

41. Is generally a very organized and neat person.
42. The exception to the rule above tends to be his clothing, which he doesn't always put a lot of thought into.
43. Loves his Doc Martens.
44. Hates being manipulated (HOW IRONIC) and often suspects people's motives for asking him to do things.
45. Only owns one watch (a coming-of-age gift from Ellis's teacher).
46. Tends to feel obscurely guilty when a woman is attracted to him.
47. Has a telepathic connection with Luciel, and only Luciel. The link is magical in nature, rather than "psychic".
48. Has never once considered getting a pet.
49. Dislikes wearing hats, and only owns a couple of knit caps for cold weather.
50. Honestly has no idea what people see in him.

I do kinda want to do this for Andey... maybe another time. ;D He has a lot of background that nobody knows..

characters, memes, devin-notes

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