"And I've waited patiently, and I wait for the sign..."

Jul 17, 2007 08:36

Whee, a post of miscellany ;D

1. I will be attending Otakon this weekend, whee XD Haven't heard anything about it from most of you -- anyone going? ;) I've had one request on the DoA meetup thread to bring Daniel, and that seems reasonable, so he'll probably be the one to come along (unless people ask to see others, but I doubt it... I'm a non-entity on DoA these days, haha). But yeah, I'll probably be scarce on the weekend and into next week, since vvalentine is coming to visit post-con. XD

2. Partly because of #1, and I doubt I need to say this on the flist, but, please to not be spoiling HP7, thanks ;D I probly won't get to start reading until like.. next Thursday ;D Ruins my streak of frantic-Saturday-receipt-and-speedread, d'oh ;D

3. Re: this poll, damn, I'm a bit surprised to see Mara on top (bahahaha). XD That does lead to some fun ideas, but, I think I want to go ahead and make Andey's own jewelry set, and do a shoot of him and blue-elf-boy and Amadeo as the lucky bastard with both of them ;)


random, harry potter, conprep

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