Dec 03, 2003 15:52
SOoOoOo I really don't like junkmail. First of all, i NEVER think its junkmail! Im so retarded! It's liek "Jen, its me! Don't delete this!" So im like- Oh shit, i wonder who it could be? and its JUNKMAIL- and then sometimes its like, I know its junkmail but im like- what if it isnt'?? What if they REALLY did find an old "McGrath" lottery ticket and i REALLY have over a million dollars lying around somewhere?? Or what if.... okay, nm I know this is ridiculous! But i just needed to share my frustration
Speaking of frustration... I can't whistle!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like, i can, butnot really and it frustrates me.
AND im wicked stressed over finals but its cool.
AND..... I LOVE MY ROOMATE!!! Shes funny shit.
Okay, I'm out!!! <3 Jenny