random update

Jan 19, 2009 06:16

I felt compelled to update because emily updated too.

I feel like emily and are living the same lifestyles minus the whole rafa, wii, and japanese movie thing.

Tonight matt and i actually did something fun, which we have not done since we went to houghton. We went out to eat at "famous daves" I have to say they have ok honey mustard sauce and great chicken tenders lol.

Other than that, nothing very exciting here.

Matt won the trip to san fransico, unfortunately, they canceled due to the economic meltdown. so that is kinda sucky. We might possible drive stephanie up to houghton at the end of march. We will see, on if matt can get work off, steph can get class off, and the weather.

anyways that is really all nothing else, im boring haha.
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