Jun 19, 2007 22:58
It is so odd, emily is leaving again for 6 months. But then i think you know what during the school year we don't see each other for like 3/4 months, so it is just like we are back in school again not seeing each other much, just communicated through cellular towers that link us together hahaha.
Last night was emily's goodbye party. I made her a mickey mouse shaped cake, that was slighly deformed, but it tasted like cake still so i guess that is all that matters. We had a midnight snack of dominoes pizza haha. We ate like fat girls on tuesday infact it was tuesday at that point.
anyways just saying goodbye to emily, and have fun and i will see you 9/1/07 acutally 8/31/07 but yea...but we shall prolly talk in about 12 hours lol