Jul 31, 2008 08:43
I've been having these fairytale, perfect days lately. I don't know if the happy hormones are flooding my system and I'm due for a crash, or if everything is simply just aligning perfectly. One thing I know has made a difference is that I've basically stopped worrying about the silly stuff. (Why couldn't I have done this a long time ago? Maybe it's the hormones!?) My mother-in-law came and stayed this week and I would normally be all worried about whether the house was clean, and what the hell was I going to cook for them, and instead I just relaxed and enjoyed the visit and had such a great few days without the stress.
Yesterday Nathan got the day off and we all slept in a little and woke up to perfect NQ winter weather. We had a leisurely breakfast, which I followed by a leisurely, long, hot shower. I packed up a picnic and we went to the botanical gardens and fed the animals, and then ourselves. Afterwards we had fish and chips for lunch. When our visitors left we all had an afternoon nap. I went to a Camera Club meeting late afternoon and came home to find an awesome, healthy dinner cooked. And then (mega-nerd warning!) Nathan and I sat down and wrote our separate entries for a short story competition which is due on Friday. (The prize is 50 BOOKS!!) Everyone was well-behaved and relaxed and happy. Ah!
Oh, I can hear Haz calling me to get him out of bed. Seriously, what sort of not-quite-2-year-old child sleeps til 9am and then wakes up singing?